Heart in Pieces
Outline -
Welcome to the reality show, Hearts in Pieces. This game show is directed at young couples that have just separated. In order to give these couples a second chance, we have created a game called, " Art of Seduction ". Now this may be a misleading name towards our purpose. However, each couple will live in the same room for up to 3 months. The object of this game is to "seduce" your ex-lover using whatever means possible. This "seduction" however does not only consist of body, of sexual desires. This refers to emotional desires as well. You seduce the person into loving you again. However, with the already broken trust... this may be difficult. But the overall reward between each couple is 1 billion dollars in cash. Now you will not be alone, there will be other couples along with you in this game. Each couple will live in their own rooms, but you will all be living in the same house of sorts. Your living expenses and other expenses will be taken care of by the game show. We wish you the best of luck gluing together your Heart in Pieces.
Character Templates -
Name: What are you called D:< Yo.
Age: How old you are. If you're like... a race that lives for a long time like an elf, angel or something or another you can state how old you look, or the age you're stuck in (I assume you have one) and if you'd like you can state an approximation of how old your character really is, that's optional though.
Gender: Very important. We don't want some gay romance or lesbian romance that is unintended (intended could be delicious though, friend) because you don't know what gender the other person is. :D Kthx.
Eye color: Self explanatory
Hair color: Also self explanatory.
Likes: Optional, but helpful.
Dislikes: Ditto.
Occupation: What they do.
Bio: Background info about said character. In-depth as you want it to be, vague if you want to develop it.
Personality: Same as above.
Appearance: A picture of what your character looks like, or somewhat looks like, you can just do words instead.
Charm point: In an obvious romance plot, your character should have some sort of charm point to entice the other party. However do not make it multiple things, just one. And it can't be like "BEAUTY". Too general. Say something like "nails are beautifully rounded and manicured" lol. xD
Weakness: Something your character can be easily fallen for. Tricks and tips for the other players. For example, you can say "flowers" or "pick up lines"
Other: Anything you have not mentioned.
Claim: What is your name, the person who is claiming it. :D
Characters -
Name: Rei Shimizu
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Eye color: Black, but she has a variety of different colored contacts. The majority of the time she wears gray ones or her brown ones with brown shine and gray ring (think my natural shine ones)
Hair color: Dyed, black. Jet black.
Likes: Money. Small gifts. Rain.
Dislikes: Asshole like tendencies. Crappy food. Cheapness.
Occupation: She's a student still, but she works part time as a waitress and has done a couple low profile photoshoots as a model. She tries hard to get known on the internet as an ulzzang.
Bio: She is a freshman in college and she is currently majoring in dance. Despite her rich background, she's fated to inherit her father's well established company, as well as marry a boy of his choice. That boy being Kiyoharu. She dreams of becoming a celebrity and is getting well known on the internet. She hopes to be discovered by a talent agency with her own strength so she can gain recognition for her accomplishment by her father. She was engaged to Kiyoharu at birth, their families are good friends. They only officially dated for a year and two months.
Personality: Despite her strong front. She is somewhat of a weakling. She falls prey to her feelings quickly and can often be swept away in them. She's particularly sensitive to what others think of her, but tries to make others think otherwise. She may act bitchy, or like a slut, but it is because of her insecurities. However, she has a strong will and is a big dreamer.
Charm point: Her charm point are her eyes, they're dark and have depth. Like ^
Weakness: Small gifts periodically. Elaborate ways of making her feel special.
Other: She's the one that broke up with Kiyoharu :] Good reason why which will be revealed... as we go along xD
Claim: Rei
Name: Kiyoharu Matsumoto
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Blond with black roots.
Likes: Women. Dominance (That sounds dirty already xD). Napping.
Dislikes: Disobedience. People with ulterior motives. Cheaters.
Occupation: Works in his grandfather's company in a pretty high position, in the department of overseas business.
Bio: Kiyoharu is born from an infinitely rich family. And was engaged to Rei as soon as she was born. Their company, the "Shinhwa Group", is perhaps the largest company in Japan. Both he and Rei have had schooling in America as transfer students. Being in the overseas department, he is fluent in many different languages. Their arranged marriage was merrily a marriage of convenience. They've known each other for 19 years, but have been officially dating for 1 year and 2 months.
Personality: Kiyoharu has a very cocky and egotistical front. He treats Rei indifferently, mostly out of caution to not let any people get too close to him. However he's actually very caring and protective and is also a perfectionist as well as a romantic. He likes taking things into his own hands, using his own methods. Rather cunning and good at lying.
^ Face is like the person on left. Hair like person on right :X
Charm point: Nice abs :D (Think Jaebeom.) Soft hair. (Okay. that isn't really a charm point I guess. xD... IT's just that he takes care of his hair. REALLY INSANELY WELL)
Weakness: Tears/Crying (xD LOL)
Other: He doesn't know the ACTUAL reason why Rei broke up with him.
Claim: Rei
Couples -
Rei - Kiyoharu ~ [Rei-Rei]
Rules -
- No powerplaying. This is probably crucial to this plot line. Lol. Power playing sucks in romance plots. As an overview, powerplaying is when you use another person's character without their consent.
- You can make up to 2 couples. Which means 4 people. This doesn't mean you can't be paired up with another person's character (Yes, that'll be fun, although since you're not going to POWERPLAY, your character might have some failures in terms of seduction ;])
- Do not go god mode. That also means you can't have PPs (Perfect people). So they can't be perfect. Please include some endearing flaws.
- Also. As a reminder the "couples" sign up doesn't mean you guys have to be together during the RP. (Although it might be easier or whatever.) But. If you would like to, you could have your character be with someone else in the same room. (it has to be guy-girl though) And then have them end up with a different character during the RP. (This sounds confusing, but really, it's not)
- Be literate. It's okay to have writers block, everyone understands that, but please try to post a minimum of 3 sentences.
- Also, I understand that you may be interacting with your own characters a lot in this plot line, but please try to have contact with other people as well.
- Another thing. EVERYONE IS HUMAN IN THIS RP. EVERYONE. HUMAN. *implodes*
- Last thing, to show that you have read all of this, IM me the words "bubblegum cappuccino" before you can start RPing.

Rei ☆
Labels: Incomplete, NC -17, Original Characters, RP - Hearts in Pieces
B L A C K && W H I T E - 5
Storm Rhysis Arismera-Ranmar
"God, Airo, do you plan on setting the entire forest on fire?" Storm whipped around to face his twin sister. His sister didn't look at him. Instead, she raised her hand and the tree next to her burst into flames, joining the hundreds of trees behind her. Already, the air above the siblings were black with smoke.
"I'm careful to not let any of the other trees burn. Just the ones I'm setting on fire," Airo drawled to her brother, rolling her eyes. "And if the rest of the trees catch on fire, what's the harm?"
Storm smirked. Typical Airo. "True...true that. Fine, burn away the forest. I could truly care less."
He turned back around to walk slowly through the forest. He sighed. Life was so boring these days. Master didn't have any quests for him to complete, and he was getting restless.
Storm ran his hand through his golden-brown hair. He sighed again. Where was the enemy....his heart accelerated when he thought about killing.
"Airo!" Storm whipped around to face his twin for the second time.
"What?" Airo snapped, her eyes blazing with annoyance. "Are you going to tell me to stop burning the bugs next? Gosh, stop it!"
"No, no, no. You up for a challenge, little sister?" Storm grinned, taking out his sword.
A challenge?" Airo looked at her brother. "Oh. You know I could beat you in about 10 seconds."
"No, I've practiced. You'll find it harder to defeat me now." Storm pushed his sleeves up. "Are you up for it, little sister? Or are you
"You wish," Airo sneered, drawing her own sword out. "Bring it, bro."
Storm leaped forward in one bound, his sword flashing in the bright fire and sun beaming down form the sky. With a snarl, Airo blocked her brother's powerful thrust. She dug her heels into the ground, but the impact of Storm's hit sent her flying backwards. She landed about 20 feet away, next to a crumbling black tree.
Storm jumped backwards, landing neatly on his feet. "Ready for round two, Airo?" he taunted, winking.
Airo growled, sprang to her feet, and launched herself across the distance seperating herself with her brother, and attacked him.
"A friendly match!" Storm laughed, parrying the blow.
"In which I will win!" Airo exclaimed, slashing this way and that, her moves a blur.
Storm grinned, but his smile faltered when he missed blocking one of Airo's blows. He gritted his teeth in pain as Airo's sword entered his flesh, sinking deep into his magic bloodstream.
"Still as fast as ever, aren't you, Airo?" Storm clenched his teeth, dropping his sword to kneel before his sister.
"Of course." Airo sniffed, pulling her sword out of her brother's sword arm. She wiped the dark blood on the grass, and sheathed her sword. "Need healing?"
"I'm not useless, dear sister. I can heal myself quite well." Storm snapped, angry he had lost again. He never won against Airo....she was just too fast for him...no matter his great swordsmenship, he had no ability to exceed his own sister. "Damn it." he muttered, putting his right hand over his left arm. "Heal." he murmured. His flesh started to knit itself back together again.
"You're just too weak, Storm. You'll never beat me." Airo smiked, pulling her sleeves back to start burning trees again. "But, nevertheless, I must thank you. You made the blood flow in my body again."
Storm stood up, sulking. What a terrible sister he had. This was definitely not the way he had planned for this to happen.
Meanwhile, miles away, Kiyo sees a black cloud of ash from buring trees drifting in to the sky...
Labels: RP - Black/White
(( Lol. xD Kei powerplayed. :X It's okay though xD I'll let it go. Hahaha. It matters not, although if you want more characters at your disposal you can finish your other character profiles.))
Kara ran aimlessly through the forest, unsure as to why she was running in the first place. It was unlike her to want to play the defenseless girl role. It didn't matter though, so she slowed down her pace. As she slowed down her inhuman pace, two faces swam into focus, she broke into an abrupt halt as to not bump into them. Having failed that task, she bumped into the blond man and fell to the ground from the impact.
The blond man reached out his hand to her, "Need a hand?"
Kara took it without further prompting, brushing herself off, embarrassed to have made such a careless move in front of these strangers. She inspected the man as she stood up, upon closer inspection he had black roots to his blond hair. Her eyes darted to the girl standing with a frightened looking expression behind him. Big eyes, with a rather naive look on her face. Definitely a tree hugger. She looked at her outfit, and took the time to feel the aura she emitted. "A cleric...?"
The brown-eyed girl nodded, "Yes, I am. I'm Lyra, do you need healing of any sort?"
Kara's thoughts trailed back to the list of "allies" that would be on the field with her. There were no clerics, or anyone named Lyra. She braced herself and drew into a defensive stance, "You two are hired by the White Kingdom...?"
Kara flinched as the man settled his hand on her shoulder, "There's no need to worry? I'm guessing you're of the Black Kingdom?"
Kara nodded cautiously, unsure if the best move was to be honest or not. "I don't need help of any sort, but my friend might." Her eyes darted around, looking for ways to escape in case a fight broke out, two against one, she may lose. The first thing she would need to do is take out the cleric, then---
"Your friend? Of what placement is your friend?" The blond man spoke again, breaking her train of thought.
Kara thought back again to the list,
who else was there... The file had been so detailed, but she couldn't remember any of those details.There had been no brown haired boy with such clear crystal blue eyes in the file had there? Realization dawned on her.
They are all from the White Kingdom.
Unsure as to why the words came out her mouth she found herself saying, "He's from the Kingdom of White."
The blond haired man seemed amused by her honesty, "Well then, let's find your friend. There's no need to be so tense." He took his hand off her shoulder and started walking on ahead of her with his backside exposed. "Come on Lyra, let's go find our little soldier."
"Okay!" Lyra nodded enthusiastically, finding herself wanting to be of use to the handsome blond. "Let's go Kiyo!"
Kara looked at them,
They're so foolish, leaving their backsides to an enemy. She was only giving back to what she owed to the clear eyed swordsman. After she paid her debt back, they would all be enemies.
((LOL. KARA IS SO OUT OF CHARACTER. DAMMIT. FAIL Oh I'm dropping the Avvie thing. It's way too complex. I have a feeling posts are going to be jumping from POV to POV anyway.))
Rei ☆Labels: RP - Black/White
Kojima Hiraku Ancovia
I picked up the broken flower that was trampled on the ground. "Sad isn't it, the world that brought us all here. To become what... " I wondered. Living only to kill, that is what I can do best. However to have to die and wither, Hah, I'm not like that. It's just--
A noise rustled from behind the bushes he was standing in front. "Who's there? Stand to fight or die in my presence!"
A girl steps out and stares at me. Hmph, who does she think she is. Does she think she can trample My own time alone? But whatever. She seems...
"Who are you...?" She circled me and eyed me as if I was prey. "Whats this? Haha, you are a swordsman? That's very interesting"
I observered her. She does not seem to be scared of a sharp sword like mine. "Hm, would you like to see it?" I wiffed out my blade. It shined in the sun like a clear crystal. "Her name is Vira. Made by the best blacksmith in my town. . . That's right, what's your name, lovely girl?" I stepped closer to her bringing her eyes up to mine.
She swatted my hand away. "Kara." She never put her stare off of me.
I laughed. A girl who is feisty is the type of girl I can fight with. I bowed down in a fashionable manner "Kara, what a lovely name you have. I am Kojima Hiraku Auncovia." I gently grabbed the rose I had kept in my jacket pocket and handed it to her. Accepting it, she asked, "So, what do you do here every day? I see you here every day in the morning talking to yourself sometimes. About a... stone?"
"You've been spying on me?" What a thought. "There's nothing more beautiful than being able to be able to kill --!!!" I whipped around and threw a poison dart at a bush.
A man clothed in black fell down, blood oozing from the spot I hit him at. the neck. The perfect place for death. All of a sudden, more black clothed men jumped out from all around. 8 I counted. "What the hell. And I was about to enjoy my date"
I grabbed my sword and and licked the blade. "Get them Vira" I snickered. The first 2 men jumped at me but missed as I jumped into the air and sliced the first man's head off and stabbed the second man's heart. Always aim the Heart. It is where life was born.
I looked back at Kara. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL STANDING THERE FOR? RUN! I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS" I continued to slice the third man's neck. I looked back at where Kara was standing before to make sure she had run away. She was gone.
Another man charged at me with his triple blade dance. the third sword in his mouth. Hah, if these men think they can beat me, they must be insane. I quickly ran towards him keeping my sword low and sliced his right arm off. He screamed but I cut his voice off.
Before the last three men charged at me, I said, "Damn you. ruining my day does not make a gentle man like me happy. What you have come for?"
One of the man stepped forward and sneered. "Your life." He jumped at me only to scrape the side of my left arm.
"DAMN IT" I became raged with anger and sliced his chest open. The next target. Simple, these men were not original men I have fought before. They smelled different. As if something bad was going to happen and I was to be dead before it all happened.
I killed the seventh man and approached the last man standing. Quivering he whimpered, "Spare me, please"
"Hmph, you? What a bore" and raised my sword
"PLEASE. Don't," He cried
"What, tell me. Why is it that the world has brought you here today?"
"It must not be said! It must not be said!" he began to tremble and mutter to himself some nonsense that made me annoyed. "If you kill him, you will die! Beware! do'nt be tricked by the one!" What nonsense he kept repeating
"SPIT IT! What the hell are you saying?" I kicked him, but he only rolled over in fright.
"The war..." he whispered as the last breath came out of him. I rolled him around and found a time poison stuck to his neck. I examined it and found it filled with only a drop of poison left.
that was awkward. What he was saying, was it all true? Something. Is something really about to happen?
~Kei ☆
Labels: RP - Black/White
Heart in Pieces
Outline -
Welcome to the reality show, Hearts in Pieces. This game show is directed at young couples that have just separated. In order to give these couples a second chance, we have created a game called, " Art of Seduction ". Now this may be a misleading name towards our purpose. However, each couple will live in the same room for up to 3 months. The object of this game is to "seduce" your ex-lover using whatever means possible. This "seduction" however does not only consist of body, of sexual desires. This refers to emotional desires as well. You seduce the person into loving you again. However, with the already broken trust... this may be difficult. But the overall reward between each couple is 1 billion dollars in cash. Now you will not be alone, there will be other couples along with you in this game. Each couple will live in their own rooms, but you will all be living in the same house of sorts. Your living expenses and other expenses will be taken care of by the game show. We wish you the best of luck gluing together your Heart in Pieces.
Character Templates -
Name: What are you called D:< Yo.
Age: How old you are. If you're like... a race that lives for a long time like an elf, angel or something or another you can state how old you look, or the age you're stuck in (I assume you have one) and if you'd like you can state an approximation of how old your character really is, that's optional though.
Gender: Very important. We don't want some gay romance or lesbian romance that is unintended (intended could be delicious though, friend) because you don't know what gender the other person is. :D Kthx.
Eye color: Self explanatory
Hair color: Also self explanatory.
Likes: Optional, but helpful.
Dislikes: Ditto.
Occupation: What they do.
Bio: Background info about said character. In-depth as you want it to be, vague if you want to develop it.
Personality: Same as above.
Appearance: A picture of what your character looks like, or somewhat looks like, you can just do words instead.
Charm point: In an obvious romance plot, your character should have some sort of charm point to entice the other party. However do not make it multiple things, just one. And it can't be like "BEAUTY". Too general. Say something like "nails are beautifully rounded and manicured" lol. xD
Weakness: Something your character can be easily fallen for. Tricks and tips for the other players. For example, you can say "flowers" or "pick up lines"
Other: Anything you have not mentioned.
Claim: What is your name, the person who is claiming it. :D
Characters -
Name: Rei Shimizu
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Eye color: Black, but she has a variety of different colored contacts. The majority of the time she wears gray ones or her brown ones with brown shine and gray ring (think my natural shine ones)
Hair color: Dyed, black. Jet black.
Likes: Money. Small gifts. Rain.
Dislikes: Asshole like tendencies. Crappy food. Cheapness.
Occupation: She's a student still, but she works part time as a waitress and has done a couple low profile photoshoots as a model. She tries hard to get known on the internet as an ulzzang.
Bio: She is a freshman in college and she is currently majoring in dance. Despite her rich background, she's fated to inherit her father's well established company, as well as marry a boy of his choice. That boy being Kiyoharu. She dreams of becoming a celebrity and is getting well known on the internet. She hopes to be discovered by a talent agency with her own strength so she can gain recognition for her accomplishment by her father. She was engaged to Kiyoharu at birth, their families are good friends. They only officially dated for a year and two months.
Personality: Despite her strong front. She is somewhat of a weakling. She falls prey to her feelings quickly and can often be swept away in them. She's particularly sensitive to what others think of her, but tries to make others think otherwise. She may act bitchy, or like a slut, but it is because of her insecurities. However, she has a strong will and is a big dreamer.
Charm point: Her charm point are her eyes, they're dark and have depth. Like ^
Weakness: Small gifts periodically. Elaborate ways of making her feel special.
Other: She's the one that broke up with Kiyoharu :] Good reason why which will be revealed... as we go along xD
Claim: Rei
Name: Kiyoharu Matsumoto
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Blond with black roots.
Likes: Women. Dominance (That sounds dirty already xD). Napping.
Dislikes: Disobedience. People with ulterior motives. Cheaters.
Occupation: Works in his grandfather's company in a pretty high position, in the department of overseas business.
Bio: Kiyoharu is born from an infinitely rich family. And was engaged to Rei as soon as she was born. Their company, the "Shinhwa Group", is perhaps the largest company in Japan. Both he and Rei have had schooling in America as transfer students. Being in the overseas department, he is fluent in many different languages. Their arranged marriage was merrily a marriage of convenience. They've known each other for 19 years, but have been officially dating for 1 year and 2 months.
Personality: Kiyoharu has a very cocky and egotistical front. He treats Rei indifferently, mostly out of caution to not let any people get too close to him. However he's actually very caring and protective and is also a perfectionist as well as a romantic. He likes taking things into his own hands, using his own methods. Rather cunning and good at lying.
^ Face is like the person on left. Hair like person on right :X
Charm point: Nice abs :D (Think Jaebeom.) Soft hair. (Okay. that isn't really a charm point I guess. xD... IT's just that he takes care of his hair. REALLY INSANELY WELL)
Weakness: Tears/Crying (xD LOL)
Other: He doesn't know the ACTUAL reason why Rei broke up with him.
Claim: Rei
Couples -
Rei - Kiyoharu ~ [Rei-Rei]
Rules -
- No powerplaying. This is probably crucial to this plot line. Lol. Power playing sucks in romance plots. As an overview, powerplaying is when you use another person's character without their consent.
- You can make up to 2 couples. Which means 4 people. This doesn't mean you can't be paired up with another person's character (Yes, that'll be fun, although since you're not going to POWERPLAY, your character might have some failures in terms of seduction ;])
- Do not go god mode. That also means you can't have PPs (Perfect people). So they can't be perfect. Please include some endearing flaws.
- Also. As a reminder the "couples" sign up doesn't mean you guys have to be together during the RP. (Although it might be easier or whatever.) But. If you would like to, you could have your character be with someone else in the same room. (it has to be guy-girl though) And then have them end up with a different character during the RP. (This sounds confusing, but really, it's not)
- Be literate. It's okay to have writers block, everyone understands that, but please try to post a minimum of 3 sentences.
- Also, I understand that you may be interacting with your own characters a lot in this plot line, but please try to have contact with other people as well.
- Another thing. EVERYONE IS HUMAN IN THIS RP. EVERYONE. HUMAN. *implodes*
- Last thing, to show that you have read all of this, IM me the words "bubblegum cappuccino" before you can start RPing.

Rei ☆
Labels: Incomplete, NC -17, Original Characters, RP - Hearts in Pieces
B L A C K && W H I T E - 5
Storm Rhysis Arismera-Ranmar
"God, Airo, do you plan on setting the entire forest on fire?" Storm whipped around to face his twin sister. His sister didn't look at him. Instead, she raised her hand and the tree next to her burst into flames, joining the hundreds of trees behind her. Already, the air above the siblings were black with smoke.
"I'm careful to not let any of the other trees burn. Just the ones I'm setting on fire," Airo drawled to her brother, rolling her eyes. "And if the rest of the trees catch on fire, what's the harm?"
Storm smirked. Typical Airo. "True...true that. Fine, burn away the forest. I could truly care less."
He turned back around to walk slowly through the forest. He sighed. Life was so boring these days. Master didn't have any quests for him to complete, and he was getting restless.
Storm ran his hand through his golden-brown hair. He sighed again. Where was the enemy....his heart accelerated when he thought about killing.
"Airo!" Storm whipped around to face his twin for the second time.
"What?" Airo snapped, her eyes blazing with annoyance. "Are you going to tell me to stop burning the bugs next? Gosh, stop it!"
"No, no, no. You up for a challenge, little sister?" Storm grinned, taking out his sword.
A challenge?" Airo looked at her brother. "Oh. You know I could beat you in about 10 seconds."
"No, I've practiced. You'll find it harder to defeat me now." Storm pushed his sleeves up. "Are you up for it, little sister? Or are you
"You wish," Airo sneered, drawing her own sword out. "Bring it, bro."
Storm leaped forward in one bound, his sword flashing in the bright fire and sun beaming down form the sky. With a snarl, Airo blocked her brother's powerful thrust. She dug her heels into the ground, but the impact of Storm's hit sent her flying backwards. She landed about 20 feet away, next to a crumbling black tree.
Storm jumped backwards, landing neatly on his feet. "Ready for round two, Airo?" he taunted, winking.
Airo growled, sprang to her feet, and launched herself across the distance seperating herself with her brother, and attacked him.
"A friendly match!" Storm laughed, parrying the blow.
"In which I will win!" Airo exclaimed, slashing this way and that, her moves a blur.
Storm grinned, but his smile faltered when he missed blocking one of Airo's blows. He gritted his teeth in pain as Airo's sword entered his flesh, sinking deep into his magic bloodstream.
"Still as fast as ever, aren't you, Airo?" Storm clenched his teeth, dropping his sword to kneel before his sister.
"Of course." Airo sniffed, pulling her sword out of her brother's sword arm. She wiped the dark blood on the grass, and sheathed her sword. "Need healing?"
"I'm not useless, dear sister. I can heal myself quite well." Storm snapped, angry he had lost again. He never won against Airo....she was just too fast for him...no matter his great swordsmenship, he had no ability to exceed his own sister. "Damn it." he muttered, putting his right hand over his left arm. "Heal." he murmured. His flesh started to knit itself back together again.
"You're just too weak, Storm. You'll never beat me." Airo smiked, pulling her sleeves back to start burning trees again. "But, nevertheless, I must thank you. You made the blood flow in my body again."
Storm stood up, sulking. What a terrible sister he had. This was definitely not the way he had planned for this to happen.
Meanwhile, miles away, Kiyo sees a black cloud of ash from buring trees drifting in to the sky...
Labels: RP - Black/White
(( Lol. xD Kei powerplayed. :X It's okay though xD I'll let it go. Hahaha. It matters not, although if you want more characters at your disposal you can finish your other character profiles.))
Kara ran aimlessly through the forest, unsure as to why she was running in the first place. It was unlike her to want to play the defenseless girl role. It didn't matter though, so she slowed down her pace. As she slowed down her inhuman pace, two faces swam into focus, she broke into an abrupt halt as to not bump into them. Having failed that task, she bumped into the blond man and fell to the ground from the impact.
The blond man reached out his hand to her, "Need a hand?"
Kara took it without further prompting, brushing herself off, embarrassed to have made such a careless move in front of these strangers. She inspected the man as she stood up, upon closer inspection he had black roots to his blond hair. Her eyes darted to the girl standing with a frightened looking expression behind him. Big eyes, with a rather naive look on her face. Definitely a tree hugger. She looked at her outfit, and took the time to feel the aura she emitted. "A cleric...?"
The brown-eyed girl nodded, "Yes, I am. I'm Lyra, do you need healing of any sort?"
Kara's thoughts trailed back to the list of "allies" that would be on the field with her. There were no clerics, or anyone named Lyra. She braced herself and drew into a defensive stance, "You two are hired by the White Kingdom...?"
Kara flinched as the man settled his hand on her shoulder, "There's no need to worry? I'm guessing you're of the Black Kingdom?"
Kara nodded cautiously, unsure if the best move was to be honest or not. "I don't need help of any sort, but my friend might." Her eyes darted around, looking for ways to escape in case a fight broke out, two against one, she may lose. The first thing she would need to do is take out the cleric, then---
"Your friend? Of what placement is your friend?" The blond man spoke again, breaking her train of thought.
Kara thought back again to the list,
who else was there... The file had been so detailed, but she couldn't remember any of those details.There had been no brown haired boy with such clear crystal blue eyes in the file had there? Realization dawned on her.
They are all from the White Kingdom.
Unsure as to why the words came out her mouth she found herself saying, "He's from the Kingdom of White."
The blond haired man seemed amused by her honesty, "Well then, let's find your friend. There's no need to be so tense." He took his hand off her shoulder and started walking on ahead of her with his backside exposed. "Come on Lyra, let's go find our little soldier."
"Okay!" Lyra nodded enthusiastically, finding herself wanting to be of use to the handsome blond. "Let's go Kiyo!"
Kara looked at them,
They're so foolish, leaving their backsides to an enemy. She was only giving back to what she owed to the clear eyed swordsman. After she paid her debt back, they would all be enemies.
((LOL. KARA IS SO OUT OF CHARACTER. DAMMIT. FAIL Oh I'm dropping the Avvie thing. It's way too complex. I have a feeling posts are going to be jumping from POV to POV anyway.))
Rei ☆Labels: RP - Black/White
Kojima Hiraku Ancovia
I picked up the broken flower that was trampled on the ground. "Sad isn't it, the world that brought us all here. To become what... " I wondered. Living only to kill, that is what I can do best. However to have to die and wither, Hah, I'm not like that. It's just--
A noise rustled from behind the bushes he was standing in front. "Who's there? Stand to fight or die in my presence!"
A girl steps out and stares at me. Hmph, who does she think she is. Does she think she can trample My own time alone? But whatever. She seems...
"Who are you...?" She circled me and eyed me as if I was prey. "Whats this? Haha, you are a swordsman? That's very interesting"
I observered her. She does not seem to be scared of a sharp sword like mine. "Hm, would you like to see it?" I wiffed out my blade. It shined in the sun like a clear crystal. "Her name is Vira. Made by the best blacksmith in my town. . . That's right, what's your name, lovely girl?" I stepped closer to her bringing her eyes up to mine.
She swatted my hand away. "Kara." She never put her stare off of me.
I laughed. A girl who is feisty is the type of girl I can fight with. I bowed down in a fashionable manner "Kara, what a lovely name you have. I am Kojima Hiraku Auncovia." I gently grabbed the rose I had kept in my jacket pocket and handed it to her. Accepting it, she asked, "So, what do you do here every day? I see you here every day in the morning talking to yourself sometimes. About a... stone?"
"You've been spying on me?" What a thought. "There's nothing more beautiful than being able to be able to kill --!!!" I whipped around and threw a poison dart at a bush.
A man clothed in black fell down, blood oozing from the spot I hit him at. the neck. The perfect place for death. All of a sudden, more black clothed men jumped out from all around. 8 I counted. "What the hell. And I was about to enjoy my date"
I grabbed my sword and and licked the blade. "Get them Vira" I snickered. The first 2 men jumped at me but missed as I jumped into the air and sliced the first man's head off and stabbed the second man's heart. Always aim the Heart. It is where life was born.
I looked back at Kara. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL STANDING THERE FOR? RUN! I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS" I continued to slice the third man's neck. I looked back at where Kara was standing before to make sure she had run away. She was gone.
Another man charged at me with his triple blade dance. the third sword in his mouth. Hah, if these men think they can beat me, they must be insane. I quickly ran towards him keeping my sword low and sliced his right arm off. He screamed but I cut his voice off.
Before the last three men charged at me, I said, "Damn you. ruining my day does not make a gentle man like me happy. What you have come for?"
One of the man stepped forward and sneered. "Your life." He jumped at me only to scrape the side of my left arm.
"DAMN IT" I became raged with anger and sliced his chest open. The next target. Simple, these men were not original men I have fought before. They smelled different. As if something bad was going to happen and I was to be dead before it all happened.
I killed the seventh man and approached the last man standing. Quivering he whimpered, "Spare me, please"
"Hmph, you? What a bore" and raised my sword
"PLEASE. Don't," He cried
"What, tell me. Why is it that the world has brought you here today?"
"It must not be said! It must not be said!" he began to tremble and mutter to himself some nonsense that made me annoyed. "If you kill him, you will die! Beware! do'nt be tricked by the one!" What nonsense he kept repeating
"SPIT IT! What the hell are you saying?" I kicked him, but he only rolled over in fright.
"The war..." he whispered as the last breath came out of him. I rolled him around and found a time poison stuck to his neck. I examined it and found it filled with only a drop of poison left.
that was awkward. What he was saying, was it all true? Something. Is something really about to happen?
~Kei ☆
Labels: RP - Black/White