The well known and often frequented club, "Beauty in Filth" is having a masquerade theme. Each visitor is required to wear a mask, as well as all the hosts and hostesses. Unseen and unidentified away from the rest of the watching eyes. Two quite well known band members have become participants as well. Away from prying eyes, will tonight be a night of obscenities?
Characters -
Name: Uruha
Band: the GazettE
Bio: Uruha is the well-respected guitarist of the GazettE. His night life is quite unknown to the rest of the band. His activity of choice? A slut and a whore of the club "Beauty in the Filth" to satisfy any of his sexual desires and those of his clients. His double life well hidden away from curious eyes and with exceptional acting he has carried on this life style, becoming more and more addicted to the pleasure that comes with it. A favorite of the club.
Other: Uruha cross-dresses on occasion to avoid being recognized, and just to shake things up a bit.
Claim: Rei
Name: Ruki
Band: The Gazette
Bio: Ruki, the vocalist of the band who is desired for his looks. He spends a typical night drinking at clubs and giving pleasure to others (also pleasing himself at the same time). Who knows how dirty this little slut can get? Keeping his inner life unknown to the rest of the band members, he continues to bury himself with filth and sexual desires he lives on, almost like a drug. It keeps him satisfied, but he stays hidden. Not too big among the crowds of people. Of course he loves putting up the nighttime act, but becoming too big would be a difficult matter.
Other: He chooses carefully. His prey.
Claim: Kei
Rules -
- Please be literate when you write replies to this RP, it is preferable for you to have at least 1 paragraph when you post. But if you have writers block we'll all understand
- Double post time is 3 days. Over the weekend if you're busy it makes sense that you're not posting, or if you are beefing up one of your posts over a period of time it is okay. The other player is allowed to double post if the posting time of 3 days is exceeded. After that post, the posting time is reset.
- No godmodding. I have no clue what that means in this type of RP, but I'm assuming that it means that... you're supposed to have human like reactions to things that happen, you're not a brick wall.
- Character limit is 3. You can have up to three characters, although advised not to. It's more complex when you have to keep everyone in the RP.
- Your character is allowed AU (alternate universe) aspects. Please though. This is a strictly HUMAN oriented RP (No fantasy characters)
- You do not need to create a character profile for so called... NPCs? xD Basically characters that serve only one purpose, and maybe only have 1 line. They also do not count towards your character limit.
- Please put OOC (out of character) comments in either (( )) , [( )], [ ], < > or some other type of indication.
Use the outline below to introduce your character.
Name: Kinda self explanatory. But what is your character called?
Band: What band they're in, if they're an OC say so here. If they're a solo artist or from some other place or thing please say so here.
Bio: Describe the background story of your character. Hopefully in enough detail that there won't be need for clarifications later.
Other: Anything that wasn't covered by the above.
Claim: Who you are, who is playing this character.
Side note: Please have a picture of your character somewhere in your post when you're posting as them. If you have multiple characters it is okay to have multiple posts to separate each character, that does not count towards the "no double posting" rule.

Rei ☆
Kei ~
Labels: Incomplete, Pairing - RukiXUruha, RP- Disguised in Filth