I picked up the broken flower that was trampled on the ground. "Sad isn't it, the world that brought us all here. To become what... " I wondered. Living only to kill, that is what I can do best. However to have to die and wither, Hah, I'm not like that. It's just--
A noise rustled from behind the bushes he was standing in front. "Who's there? Stand to fight or die in my presence!"
A girl steps out and stares at me. Hmph, who does she think she is. Does she think she can trample My own time alone? But whatever. She seems...
"Who are you...?" She circled me and eyed me as if I was prey. "Whats this? Haha, you are a swordsman? That's very interesting"
I observered her. She does not seem to be scared of a sharp sword like mine. "Hm, would you like to see it?" I wiffed out my blade. It shined in the sun like a clear crystal. "Her name is Vira. Made by the best blacksmith in my town. . . That's right, what's your name, lovely girl?" I stepped closer to her bringing her eyes up to mine.
She swatted my hand away. "Kara." She never put her stare off of me.
I laughed. A girl who is feisty is the type of girl I can fight with. I bowed down in a fashionable manner "Kara, what a lovely name you have. I am Kojima Hiraku Auncovia." I gently grabbed the rose I had kept in my jacket pocket and handed it to her. Accepting it, she asked, "So, what do you do here every day? I see you here every day in the morning talking to yourself sometimes. About a... stone?"
"You've been spying on me?" What a thought. "There's nothing more beautiful than being able to be able to kill --!!!" I whipped around and threw a poison dart at a bush.
A man clothed in black fell down, blood oozing from the spot I hit him at. the neck. The perfect place for death. All of a sudden, more black clothed men jumped out from all around. 8 I counted. "What the hell. And I was about to enjoy my date"
I grabbed my sword and and licked the blade. "Get them Vira" I snickered. The first 2 men jumped at me but missed as I jumped into the air and sliced the first man's head off and stabbed the second man's heart. Always aim the Heart. It is where life was born.
I looked back at Kara. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL STANDING THERE FOR? RUN! I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS" I continued to slice the third man's neck. I looked back at where Kara was standing before to make sure she had run away. She was gone.
Another man charged at me with his triple blade dance. the third sword in his mouth. Hah, if these men think they can beat me, they must be insane. I quickly ran towards him keeping my sword low and sliced his right arm off. He screamed but I cut his voice off.
Before the last three men charged at me, I said, "Damn you. ruining my day does not make a gentle man like me happy. What you have come for?"
One of the man stepped forward and sneered. "Your life." He jumped at me only to scrape the side of my left arm.
"DAMN IT" I became raged with anger and sliced his chest open. The next target. Simple, these men were not original men I have fought before. They smelled different. As if something bad was going to happen and I was to be dead before it all happened.
I killed the seventh man and approached the last man standing. Quivering he whimpered, "Spare me, please"
"Hmph, you? What a bore" and raised my sword
"PLEASE. Don't," He cried
"What, tell me. Why is it that the world has brought you here today?"
"It must not be said! It must not be said!" he began to tremble and mutter to himself some nonsense that made me annoyed. "If you kill him, you will die! Beware! do'nt be tricked by the one!" What nonsense he kept repeating
"SPIT IT! What the hell are you saying?" I kicked him, but he only rolled over in fright.
"The war..." he whispered as the last breath came out of him. I rolled him around and found a time poison stuck to his neck. I examined it and found it filled with only a drop of poison left.
that was awkward. What he was saying, was it all true? Something. Is something really about to happen?
~Kei ☆
Labels: RP - Black/White