Heart in Pieces
Outline -
Welcome to the reality show, Hearts in Pieces. This game show is directed at young couples that have just separated. In order to give these couples a second chance, we have created a game called, " Art of Seduction ". Now this may be a misleading name towards our purpose. However, each couple will live in the same room for up to 3 months. The object of this game is to "seduce" your ex-lover using whatever means possible. This "seduction" however does not only consist of body, of sexual desires. This refers to emotional desires as well. You seduce the person into loving you again. However, with the already broken trust... this may be difficult. But the overall reward between each couple is 1 billion dollars in cash. Now you will not be alone, there will be other couples along with you in this game. Each couple will live in their own rooms, but you will all be living in the same house of sorts. Your living expenses and other expenses will be taken care of by the game show. We wish you the best of luck gluing together your Heart in Pieces.
Character Templates -
Name: What are you called D:< Yo.
Age: How old you are. If you're like... a race that lives for a long time like an elf, angel or something or another you can state how old you look, or the age you're stuck in (I assume you have one) and if you'd like you can state an approximation of how old your character really is, that's optional though.
Gender: Very important. We don't want some gay romance or lesbian romance that is unintended (intended could be delicious though, friend) because you don't know what gender the other person is. :D Kthx.
Eye color: Self explanatory
Hair color: Also self explanatory.
Likes: Optional, but helpful.
Dislikes: Ditto.
Occupation: What they do.
Bio: Background info about said character. In-depth as you want it to be, vague if you want to develop it.
Personality: Same as above.
Appearance: A picture of what your character looks like, or somewhat looks like, you can just do words instead.
Charm point: In an obvious romance plot, your character should have some sort of charm point to entice the other party. However do not make it multiple things, just one. And it can't be like "BEAUTY". Too general. Say something like "nails are beautifully rounded and manicured" lol. xD
Weakness: Something your character can be easily fallen for. Tricks and tips for the other players. For example, you can say "flowers" or "pick up lines"
Other: Anything you have not mentioned.
Claim: What is your name, the person who is claiming it. :D
Characters -
Name: Rei Shimizu
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Eye color: Black, but she has a variety of different colored contacts. The majority of the time she wears gray ones or her brown ones with brown shine and gray ring (think my natural shine ones)
Hair color: Dyed, black. Jet black.
Likes: Money. Small gifts. Rain.
Dislikes: Asshole like tendencies. Crappy food. Cheapness.
Occupation: She's a student still, but she works part time as a waitress and has done a couple low profile photoshoots as a model. She tries hard to get known on the internet as an ulzzang.
Bio: She is a freshman in college and she is currently majoring in dance. Despite her rich background, she's fated to inherit her father's well established company, as well as marry a boy of his choice. That boy being Kiyoharu. She dreams of becoming a celebrity and is getting well known on the internet. She hopes to be discovered by a talent agency with her own strength so she can gain recognition for her accomplishment by her father. She was engaged to Kiyoharu at birth, their families are good friends. They only officially dated for a year and two months.
Personality: Despite her strong front. She is somewhat of a weakling. She falls prey to her feelings quickly and can often be swept away in them. She's particularly sensitive to what others think of her, but tries to make others think otherwise. She may act bitchy, or like a slut, but it is because of her insecurities. However, she has a strong will and is a big dreamer.
Charm point: Her charm point are her eyes, they're dark and have depth. Like ^
Weakness: Small gifts periodically. Elaborate ways of making her feel special.
Other: She's the one that broke up with Kiyoharu :] Good reason why which will be revealed... as we go along xD
Claim: Rei
Name: Kiyoharu Matsumoto
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Blond with black roots.
Likes: Women. Dominance (That sounds dirty already xD). Napping.
Dislikes: Disobedience. People with ulterior motives. Cheaters.
Occupation: Works in his grandfather's company in a pretty high position, in the department of overseas business.
Bio: Kiyoharu is born from an infinitely rich family. And was engaged to Rei as soon as she was born. Their company, the "Shinhwa Group", is perhaps the largest company in Japan. Both he and Rei have had schooling in America as transfer students. Being in the overseas department, he is fluent in many different languages. Their arranged marriage was merrily a marriage of convenience. They've known each other for 19 years, but have been officially dating for 1 year and 2 months.
Personality: Kiyoharu has a very cocky and egotistical front. He treats Rei indifferently, mostly out of caution to not let any people get too close to him. However he's actually very caring and protective and is also a perfectionist as well as a romantic. He likes taking things into his own hands, using his own methods. Rather cunning and good at lying.
^ Face is like the person on left. Hair like person on right :X
Charm point: Nice abs :D (Think Jaebeom.) Soft hair. (Okay. that isn't really a charm point I guess. xD... IT's just that he takes care of his hair. REALLY INSANELY WELL)
Weakness: Tears/Crying (xD LOL)
Other: He doesn't know the ACTUAL reason why Rei broke up with him.
Claim: Rei
Couples -
Rei - Kiyoharu ~ [Rei-Rei]
Rules -
- No powerplaying. This is probably crucial to this plot line. Lol. Power playing sucks in romance plots. As an overview, powerplaying is when you use another person's character without their consent.
- You can make up to 2 couples. Which means 4 people. This doesn't mean you can't be paired up with another person's character (Yes, that'll be fun, although since you're not going to POWERPLAY, your character might have some failures in terms of seduction ;])
- Do not go god mode. That also means you can't have PPs (Perfect people). So they can't be perfect. Please include some endearing flaws.
- Also. As a reminder the "couples" sign up doesn't mean you guys have to be together during the RP. (Although it might be easier or whatever.) But. If you would like to, you could have your character be with someone else in the same room. (it has to be guy-girl though) And then have them end up with a different character during the RP. (This sounds confusing, but really, it's not)
- Be literate. It's okay to have writers block, everyone understands that, but please try to post a minimum of 3 sentences.
- Also, I understand that you may be interacting with your own characters a lot in this plot line, but please try to have contact with other people as well.
- Another thing. EVERYONE IS HUMAN IN THIS RP. EVERYONE. HUMAN. *implodes*
- Last thing, to show that you have read all of this, IM me the words "bubblegum cappuccino" before you can start RPing.

Rei ☆
Labels: Incomplete, NC -17, Original Characters, RP - Hearts in Pieces
B L A C K && W H I T E - 5
Storm Rhysis Arismera-Ranmar
"God, Airo, do you plan on setting the entire forest on fire?" Storm whipped around to face his twin sister. His sister didn't look at him. Instead, she raised her hand and the tree next to her burst into flames, joining the hundreds of trees behind her. Already, the air above the siblings were black with smoke.
"I'm careful to not let any of the other trees burn. Just the ones I'm setting on fire," Airo drawled to her brother, rolling her eyes. "And if the rest of the trees catch on fire, what's the harm?"
Storm smirked. Typical Airo. "True...true that. Fine, burn away the forest. I could truly care less."
He turned back around to walk slowly through the forest. He sighed. Life was so boring these days. Master didn't have any quests for him to complete, and he was getting restless.
Storm ran his hand through his golden-brown hair. He sighed again. Where was the enemy....his heart accelerated when he thought about killing.
"Airo!" Storm whipped around to face his twin for the second time.
"What?" Airo snapped, her eyes blazing with annoyance. "Are you going to tell me to stop burning the bugs next? Gosh, stop it!"
"No, no, no. You up for a challenge, little sister?" Storm grinned, taking out his sword.
A challenge?" Airo looked at her brother. "Oh. You know I could beat you in about 10 seconds."
"No, I've practiced. You'll find it harder to defeat me now." Storm pushed his sleeves up. "Are you up for it, little sister? Or are you
"You wish," Airo sneered, drawing her own sword out. "Bring it, bro."
Storm leaped forward in one bound, his sword flashing in the bright fire and sun beaming down form the sky. With a snarl, Airo blocked her brother's powerful thrust. She dug her heels into the ground, but the impact of Storm's hit sent her flying backwards. She landed about 20 feet away, next to a crumbling black tree.
Storm jumped backwards, landing neatly on his feet. "Ready for round two, Airo?" he taunted, winking.
Airo growled, sprang to her feet, and launched herself across the distance seperating herself with her brother, and attacked him.
"A friendly match!" Storm laughed, parrying the blow.
"In which I will win!" Airo exclaimed, slashing this way and that, her moves a blur.
Storm grinned, but his smile faltered when he missed blocking one of Airo's blows. He gritted his teeth in pain as Airo's sword entered his flesh, sinking deep into his magic bloodstream.
"Still as fast as ever, aren't you, Airo?" Storm clenched his teeth, dropping his sword to kneel before his sister.
"Of course." Airo sniffed, pulling her sword out of her brother's sword arm. She wiped the dark blood on the grass, and sheathed her sword. "Need healing?"
"I'm not useless, dear sister. I can heal myself quite well." Storm snapped, angry he had lost again. He never won against Airo....she was just too fast for him...no matter his great swordsmenship, he had no ability to exceed his own sister. "Damn it." he muttered, putting his right hand over his left arm. "Heal." he murmured. His flesh started to knit itself back together again.
"You're just too weak, Storm. You'll never beat me." Airo smiked, pulling her sleeves back to start burning trees again. "But, nevertheless, I must thank you. You made the blood flow in my body again."
Storm stood up, sulking. What a terrible sister he had. This was definitely not the way he had planned for this to happen.
Meanwhile, miles away, Kiyo sees a black cloud of ash from buring trees drifting in to the sky...
Labels: RP - Black/White
(( Lol. xD Kei powerplayed. :X It's okay though xD I'll let it go. Hahaha. It matters not, although if you want more characters at your disposal you can finish your other character profiles.))
Kara ran aimlessly through the forest, unsure as to why she was running in the first place. It was unlike her to want to play the defenseless girl role. It didn't matter though, so she slowed down her pace. As she slowed down her inhuman pace, two faces swam into focus, she broke into an abrupt halt as to not bump into them. Having failed that task, she bumped into the blond man and fell to the ground from the impact.
The blond man reached out his hand to her, "Need a hand?"
Kara took it without further prompting, brushing herself off, embarrassed to have made such a careless move in front of these strangers. She inspected the man as she stood up, upon closer inspection he had black roots to his blond hair. Her eyes darted to the girl standing with a frightened looking expression behind him. Big eyes, with a rather naive look on her face. Definitely a tree hugger. She looked at her outfit, and took the time to feel the aura she emitted. "A cleric...?"
The brown-eyed girl nodded, "Yes, I am. I'm Lyra, do you need healing of any sort?"
Kara's thoughts trailed back to the list of "allies" that would be on the field with her. There were no clerics, or anyone named Lyra. She braced herself and drew into a defensive stance, "You two are hired by the White Kingdom...?"
Kara flinched as the man settled his hand on her shoulder, "There's no need to worry? I'm guessing you're of the Black Kingdom?"
Kara nodded cautiously, unsure if the best move was to be honest or not. "I don't need help of any sort, but my friend might." Her eyes darted around, looking for ways to escape in case a fight broke out, two against one, she may lose. The first thing she would need to do is take out the cleric, then---
"Your friend? Of what placement is your friend?" The blond man spoke again, breaking her train of thought.
Kara thought back again to the list,
who else was there... The file had been so detailed, but she couldn't remember any of those details.There had been no brown haired boy with such clear crystal blue eyes in the file had there? Realization dawned on her.
They are all from the White Kingdom.
Unsure as to why the words came out her mouth she found herself saying, "He's from the Kingdom of White."
The blond haired man seemed amused by her honesty, "Well then, let's find your friend. There's no need to be so tense." He took his hand off her shoulder and started walking on ahead of her with his backside exposed. "Come on Lyra, let's go find our little soldier."
"Okay!" Lyra nodded enthusiastically, finding herself wanting to be of use to the handsome blond. "Let's go Kiyo!"
Kara looked at them,
They're so foolish, leaving their backsides to an enemy. She was only giving back to what she owed to the clear eyed swordsman. After she paid her debt back, they would all be enemies.
((LOL. KARA IS SO OUT OF CHARACTER. DAMMIT. FAIL Oh I'm dropping the Avvie thing. It's way too complex. I have a feeling posts are going to be jumping from POV to POV anyway.))
Rei ☆Labels: RP - Black/White
Kojima Hiraku Ancovia
I picked up the broken flower that was trampled on the ground. "Sad isn't it, the world that brought us all here. To become what... " I wondered. Living only to kill, that is what I can do best. However to have to die and wither, Hah, I'm not like that. It's just--
A noise rustled from behind the bushes he was standing in front. "Who's there? Stand to fight or die in my presence!"
A girl steps out and stares at me. Hmph, who does she think she is. Does she think she can trample My own time alone? But whatever. She seems...
"Who are you...?" She circled me and eyed me as if I was prey. "Whats this? Haha, you are a swordsman? That's very interesting"
I observered her. She does not seem to be scared of a sharp sword like mine. "Hm, would you like to see it?" I wiffed out my blade. It shined in the sun like a clear crystal. "Her name is Vira. Made by the best blacksmith in my town. . . That's right, what's your name, lovely girl?" I stepped closer to her bringing her eyes up to mine.
She swatted my hand away. "Kara." She never put her stare off of me.
I laughed. A girl who is feisty is the type of girl I can fight with. I bowed down in a fashionable manner "Kara, what a lovely name you have. I am Kojima Hiraku Auncovia." I gently grabbed the rose I had kept in my jacket pocket and handed it to her. Accepting it, she asked, "So, what do you do here every day? I see you here every day in the morning talking to yourself sometimes. About a... stone?"
"You've been spying on me?" What a thought. "There's nothing more beautiful than being able to be able to kill --!!!" I whipped around and threw a poison dart at a bush.
A man clothed in black fell down, blood oozing from the spot I hit him at. the neck. The perfect place for death. All of a sudden, more black clothed men jumped out from all around. 8 I counted. "What the hell. And I was about to enjoy my date"
I grabbed my sword and and licked the blade. "Get them Vira" I snickered. The first 2 men jumped at me but missed as I jumped into the air and sliced the first man's head off and stabbed the second man's heart. Always aim the Heart. It is where life was born.
I looked back at Kara. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL STANDING THERE FOR? RUN! I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS" I continued to slice the third man's neck. I looked back at where Kara was standing before to make sure she had run away. She was gone.
Another man charged at me with his triple blade dance. the third sword in his mouth. Hah, if these men think they can beat me, they must be insane. I quickly ran towards him keeping my sword low and sliced his right arm off. He screamed but I cut his voice off.
Before the last three men charged at me, I said, "Damn you. ruining my day does not make a gentle man like me happy. What you have come for?"
One of the man stepped forward and sneered. "Your life." He jumped at me only to scrape the side of my left arm.
"DAMN IT" I became raged with anger and sliced his chest open. The next target. Simple, these men were not original men I have fought before. They smelled different. As if something bad was going to happen and I was to be dead before it all happened.
I killed the seventh man and approached the last man standing. Quivering he whimpered, "Spare me, please"
"Hmph, you? What a bore" and raised my sword
"PLEASE. Don't," He cried
"What, tell me. Why is it that the world has brought you here today?"
"It must not be said! It must not be said!" he began to tremble and mutter to himself some nonsense that made me annoyed. "If you kill him, you will die! Beware! do'nt be tricked by the one!" What nonsense he kept repeating
"SPIT IT! What the hell are you saying?" I kicked him, but he only rolled over in fright.
"The war..." he whispered as the last breath came out of him. I rolled him around and found a time poison stuck to his neck. I examined it and found it filled with only a drop of poison left.
that was awkward. What he was saying, was it all true? Something. Is something really about to happen?
~Kei ☆
Labels: RP - Black/White
B L A C K && W H I T E - 2
I looked down at the cowering knight in front of ne with disgust. How wasteful. The scum. Losing a battle that we had provoked? Unspeakable. I scowled. This knight...this general...must go.
"My lord," the general's voice trembled. "Their forces were too strong. We didn't have enough, they managed to break our magical barriers, my lord." He had fallen to his knees, and the last words out of his mouth had been muffled as he laid down before me.
The guards that were stationed by the palace door looked at the general with distaste and scorn. No elf ever sank that low before another. Elves, the superior race, were prideful beyond all other races.
I allowed a small smile to grace my face. Well, it was hard not to be scared when facing me. "And why," I replied, my voice high and cold, vibrating through the room, "Did you not have back up magicians elves? You should have easily beaten them."
The knight lifted his face and gasped, "We did not have back up magicians and that was my mistake, my lord."
"Excuses!" I spat back at him, causing the general to flinch. I felt the anger pulsing through my bloodstream."You deserve a punishment, don't you think so?" The knight was nodding his head vigorously, though his eyes betrayed the true fear he felt.
"My high lord, your pureness, you may do anything as you wish, for you are the king of all kings."
I sneered. Did this elf think that by flattering me, that I would let him go?
"So I may dispose of you?" I let my eyes bore into the general's dark green eyes. I could see his pupils dilate in fear, and the general nodded once. I smiled fully this time. I couldn't remember the last time a subject agreed to dispose of themselves. Then the memory flashed through me. Of course. How could I had forgotten? The previous man who had agreed with me had been the prophet. The memory made me snarl.
"My lord, your pureness, the prophet has arrived!" the guard stood in salute to me.
"Allow him in." I had been wondering what a prophet wanted to talk to me for. I had heard of rumors about this prophet, rumors that he had seen a sight about me. A death. But they couldn't possibly be true. Nevertheless, I had summoned him here to talk to me.
"His pureness has granted you his presence!" the guard shouted as he moved to position with the other four guard, standing tall and proud with their long black hair rippling in the wind.
A old elf entered the room. He could barely support himself without the help of a walking cane, but I could sense the burning energy within him.
The prophet hobbled towards me, and bowed. "My kingship, I have come to be graced by your presence, for you have summoned me?"
"Yes, I have heard...that you have heard..something of me. Do you wish to warn me of something?" I let a hint of sarcasm touch my voice.
"Your future, your grace." the prophet smirked. So this one had an attitude. Good. Let's have some competition going on.
I sneered, "If you wish to tell me that I will become powerful and all that shit, you may leave."
The old elf laughed at these words, bringing a wave of anger surging against me. "You are as ignorant as I thought you would be! You believe yourself to be invincible!"
"I am, for no one can touch me. It is impossible to hurt me." I rose out of my chair, my voice trembling with anger. My eyes blazed with fury. How dare this old elf come wondering in and insult me!
"You are strong now, but soon, very soon, your powers will fade along with the dying rose." the prophet leered at me.
"Your stupidity and outspokenness shall cost you your life! The rose shall never die!" I let my voice ring out magnificently, putting as much threat as I could into my voice.
The prophet laughed, "Go ahead, kill me then, your pureness. But it is your downfall you shall meet, and you shall regret it."
I felt the power building up within me. Enough was enough. who did this elf think he was? Speaking to me like this, an outrage. He shall suffer.
"So it shall be." I snarled coldly, raising my hand. With a flash of red light, I whipped my arm down and the prophet died in a blaze of red, all within the span of 2 seconds.
My guards stood petrified by the door, observing the scene with horror and terror in their eyes, but not daring to move, fearing that they would disrupt my anger, provoking their deaths.
"Dispose of him." I turned around and went back to my throne, whipping my long silver hair behind me like a whirlwind.
My four guards clumsily bowed and dashed across the floor with superhuman speed. One of them, the one who had told me of the prophet's arrival, plucked the prophet from the floor with superhuman strength. He ran to the fireplace where the other 3 were and without any effort, he tossed the elf into the fireplace. The other three blew on their fingers, and flames erupted in the fireplace, flaring heat throughout the room while the dead elf's body burst into green sparks and faded away.
I stared at the pleading general.
"I will fully pay for what I have done, my lord!" the general was once again low on his knees. The four guards were the same exact who had observed the death of the prophet. They shook their raven-black hair nervously, seeming to know what was coming next.
“You will?” I rose from my chair. History repeating himself, right? I certainly felt as angry as I had felt when I killed the prophet. Maybe even angrier.
The general swallowed nervously. I could hear his heart beating furiously.
And with another bright red flash, I let my anger out on the general. My four guards stumbled back in shock at how fast that had happened.
“Now he has fully paid his mistake.” I sneered. I sat back down on the chair, calmly twirling my fingers together. “Dispose of him.”
Labels: RP - Black/White
B L A C K && W H I T E - 1
Lyra walked aimlessly through the forest like terrain. She had been so called “fed to the wolves” when she was chosen to be part of this free-for-all type of battle. Sure they had allies which were also picked from the same kingdom. However with mercenaries it’s hard to tell where their loyalties lie.
She ran her fingers through her hair and looked around, so far she had not met anyone, ally or foe. Her chocolate brown eyes looked around wearily half expecting a ghost to pop up in this god forsaken place. Maybe because it was god forsaken, so it was chosen as the battling ground. She nodded to herself dumbly, wondering why she was having this innermind conversation with herself.
She was just a humble little mage. All the townspeople had praised her for her gift of healing and talking with animals. Also with her sense of herbs and ability to make potions and poultices and such. Her eyes swam around looking at her surroundings, trying to take careful note of how she could use the land to her advantage
She placed her hand on a nearby tree, she felt the familiar chill go down her spine as it always did when she communicated with nature. “The soil here is great, and the trees here are healthy…” she whispered to no one in particular.
The sound of clamping of boots came towards her. In an instant there was a small army of 5-6 soldiers in front of her. They were dressed in all black, and had a small symbol of the kingdom of Black on their uniforms. She let out a involuntary surprised gasp out.
The soldiers as if startled for a moment at how small and how thin she was gave a start. They quickly regained their composure and rushed towards her, raising their swords into the air ready to attack her.
Lyra heard a small chuckle behind her, she was about to whip her head back before she saw a flurry of blonde hair pass by right in front of her. A sound of clashing metal rang into the air and the birds flew out of the branches above them.
The boy in front of her, about 19 years of age she guessed, whipped around in a circular motion, pushing all of the soldiers back. He gave a slight chuckle again, giving a toothy grin he rushed towards the soldiers. He contacted the first soldier’s neck with sharp chop downwards, snapping his neck, then sweep kicked the rest of the company. “Well now, I thought that this was a fair competition between skilled fighters,” he said in a mocking tone.
He slipped behind the second soldier and touched his hands to the soldier’s neck before roughly snapping it with a sickening cracking sound. He gave a twisted kind of smile before continuing to the next soldier. He contacted the soldier’s diaphragm with a kick, knocking the air out of him, then snapped his neck as well.
A soldier hesitantly rushed at him, he whipped around and in one swift motion thrust two of his fingers at his rib cage before jerking his fingers up with incredible strength, causing the soldier instant death. He looked lazily at the last soldier, daring the soldier to come towards him.
The soldier took a few steps back with a frightened expression on his face. “Not as courageous as the rest of your friends, ehh?” the blond-haired boy mocked. “Tell the rest of your friends to not come here, this is a competition of skilled fighters, not little ants like you. If any of you come here again, you won’t die in such a civilized manner.” He gestured at the soldier’s dead companions.
The soldier made a couple curt nods then scurried away quickly.
He gave a loud sigh and turned to look at Lyra, extending his hand he said, “My name is Kiyoharu, I was hired by the Knight unit of White, Miss Lyra.”
Lyra took his hand and looked into his dark black eyes and felt her heart skip a beat. This man was perfection.
[( Rei's posts will be in Ruki avatars, Kiyoharu's post will be in Uruha Avatars, Kara's posts are going to be in Miyavi avatars and Lyra's will be in Satsuki avatars. *nods* that's how you will distinguish xD)]
Rei ☆Labels: RP - Black/White
B L A C K && W H I T E
In two neighboring kingdoms, there is the kingdom of
Black and kingdom of
White. As these two kingdoms drag out a long lasting rivalry, each kingdom sends 6 of their finest mercenaries in their kingdom to the field. Respectively, pawn, king, queen, bishop, rook and knight. On the field it is a free-for-all. Generally, it's "correct" to fight with your allies and comrades, however on the field there is no such thing as "loyalty" to these mercenaries.
Character Template
Name: What are you called D:< Yo.
Age: How old you are. If you're like... a race that lives for a long time like an elf, angel or something or another you can state how old you look, or the age you're stuck in (I assume you have one) and if you'd like you can state an approximation of how old your character really is, that's optional though.
Gender: Very important. We don't want some gay romance or lesbian romance that is unintended (intended could be delicious though, friend) because you don't know what gender the other person is. :D Kthx.
Race: What are you? MORTAL (or immortal for that matter xD) You can use
http://chocolateboxd.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=recinformationpanel&action=display&thread=58 for reference, if you want to make your own "race" it's okay, just don't make it like... too godmodding. And please explain.
Alignment/Piece: Basically... black or white. And what piece of the chessboard you would be.
Eye color: Self explanatory
Hair color: Also self explanatory.
Likes: Optional, but helpful.
Dislikes: Ditto.
Occupation: If they're just a mercenary you can say so. But if they're like a flipping assasin or what not you can say that too.
Bio: Background info about said character. In-depth as you want it to be, vague if you want to develop it.
Personality: Same as above.
Appearance: A picture of what your character looks like, or somewhat looks like, you can just do words instead.
Other: Anything you have not mentioned.
Claim: What is your name, the person who is claiming it. :D
Piece Claims
Black *
Black King
-Kei ~ Lux V Ryoju -
Black Queen
-Rei ~ Reira Kariyra Alvedia -
Black Knight
-Alina ~ Airo Caiusos Arismera-Ranmar -
Black Rook
-Alina ~ Storm Rhysis Arismera-Ranmar -
Black Bishop
-No claim-
Black Pawn
-Rei ~ Kara Anstis Alvilda -
White *
White King
- Alina ~ AIX Hakusan Eosr-Ansa -
White Queen
-no claim-
White Rook
- Kei ~ Kojima Hiraku Auncovia -
White Bishop
- Rei ~ Lyra Kandi Tsinusuka -
White Knight
- Rei ~ Kiyoharu Matsumoto -
White Pawn
- Alina ~ Runa Sivadanse Asingard -
Character Profiles
Name: Reira Kariyra Alvedia
Age: Stuck at the age of 17, but is somewhere 5,000-8,000 years of age.
Gender: Female
Race: Demon - of Royal blood.
Alignment/Piece: Black Queen
Eye color: Bluish black, turns a faint purple color when berserk.
Hair color: Black, jet black.
Likes: Being obnoxious. Amusement. And being bipolar.
Dislikes: Stupid people, although she tolerates them. She also dislikes people who are tree huggers.
Occupation: Mercenary. She also works for her "lord". Being a demon of the demon world, she's contracted to her lord.
Bio: Being of royal blood, she's been spoiled since birth. However she's also been jaded since birth to be a killing machine. She is often sent on tasks by "her lord", she's unfazed whether burning down villages, killing women and children and pillaging. When she is sent she often goes "berserk" and hurts whatever is in her way, foe or ally.
Personality: She's for the most part obnoxious, sometimes cruel, but mostly rather harmless and doesn't get into fights unless she goes berserk. She also has somewhat of a skeptical view on life, and looks down on halflings. Whenever pushed into a corner, she belittles others by mentioning her royal blood.
Other: She prefers to be called Rei xD.... NOT LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO REMEMBER HER HELLOVALONG NAME.
Claim: Haithar, my name is Rei <3
Name: AIX Hakusan Eosr-Ansa
Age: 18 yrs. old. But actually around 300 years. Really young...
Gender: Male. HE IS STRAIGHT.
Race: Elf
Alignment/Piece: White King
Eye color: Blue. Light Light Bright Brilliant EXTREME BLUE.
Hair color: Silver [(Okeii, this picture is a bit off on the hair color. But let's imagine it's because of the lighting xD)]
Likes: Nothing.
Dislikes: Everything.
Occupation: Ruling?
Bio: Born late by a hating mother, AIX was thrust into a world of confusion and war. After his mother and the late king died, AIX took the throne of the elven kingdom at the age of 18. [Really? 300 years.] Considering the fact that elves usually mature at the age of 800 years old, AIX is considered somewhat of a young kid. No matter. AIX handles everything extremely well and runs his country extremely smoothly for such a young person. Strikingly handsome with his startling blue eyes and his bright silver hair, AIX rules his kingdom with a hard hand and determined mind. AIX's real name is Aver Inconious Xinv, but no one ever calls him that, for fear of being slain. AIX's magical powers tower even above the late king and his mother. Prophecies tell of his great coming, but his terrible downfall as well.
Personality: Cold. Hating. No love. After all, he is single. Filled with pure hate.
Appearance: Look above. Those not mentioned is that he is tall, about 5'8", skinny, but muscular. He often wears dark robes of black. His face is sharp, always in a sneer, and his voice is extremely enchanting.
Claim: Alina
Name: Kiyoharu Matsumoto
Age: Stuck at the age of 19, real age is unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Half angel, half demon
Alignment/Piece: White Knight
Eye color: Blackkk.
Hair color: Blond, black roots.
Likes: Being a pretty boy. Fixing his hair. Being a narcissist. xD
Dislikes: Ugly people. People who wear green and purple together (Actually that might just be Lihan). Tree huggers. People who take things way to seriously. Hippies. Girls who are weaklings.
Occupation: Mercenary
Bio: Being a Halfling you’d expect his life to be hard, but nope. Angel side, of royal decent, although he rejects the idea of being “holy”. Demon half, also of royal decent. Not to mention he had been arranged to marry Rei at birth. He has the typical easy lifestyle of a rich and powerful family, he just does his mercenary work to “rebel” and feel the dangerous side of things.
Personality: He’s mostly obnoxious and full of himself. He prefers to get amusement out of everything he does. He’s also somewhat in love with himself and has the habit of continuously twisting the ends of his hair and styling them into place.
Appearance: Look at the pretty picture :D Earring on left ear. Only one. A simple silver stud.
Claim: Reireireirei :D
Name: Storm Rhysis Arismera-Ranmar
Age: Appears 16 years old. But really has an unknown age. He is older then his twin sister though. [(His twin is Airo)]
Gender: Male
Race: Fallen
Alignment/Piece: Black Rook
Eye color: Dark Brown - Black
Hair color: His roots are black. But his current hair color is redish-goldish-blond-ish
Likes: Being cocky.
Dislikes: Angels and Humans [And Halfies]. Hates them beyond everything.
Occupation: Assassinating for his "lord". Enjoys torturing his enemies.
Bio: The older twin then Airo, his personality is cocky and funny. He's really a laydown guy, but when it comes to Angels, Humans, and Halfies, his rage is unstoppable. He's almost never found without his sister, and when seperated, he is known to be very short tempered. He is proud to be a Fallen, showing off his dark and light skills. Storm likes to show off and brag about things to people. He's pretty much the ass of the century, but cool all the way through. His most unique and special power is his beyond awesome swordsmanship. He is unstoppable with the sword, disarming his enemies in a few seconds maximum. If he suddenly meets someone a worthy opponent, he throws in some of his magic and he truly is unstoppable, whether the person is berserk of not. But...he hates...hates...hates...arrows..... [(hint hint)]
Personality: Cocky. Funny. Lazy. If you get to know him, he can actually be the best friend you ever have. Once you get through the cockiness and bragging and showing off....
Appearance: Red/Blonde/Gold Hair. A sharp face that resembles his sister almost exactly. His face is extremely exquisite, with dark brown eyes. His skin is unusally pale for a Fallen. Rather average height, around 5'7", more skinny then buff. But don't be fooled. He could easily snap anybody in half. He's extremely fast on his feet, and can jump to amazing heights.[( OMG....isn't Leeteuk just so hot? < 3>
Claim: Alina
Name: Airo Caiusos Arismera-Ranmar
Age: Appears 16 years old. But really has an unknown age. She's younger then her older brother though. [(Her twin is Storm)]
Gender: Female
Race: Fallen
Alignment/Piece: Black Knight
Eye color: Purple, unlike her brother. Her mother had purple eyes while their father had brown eyes.
Hair color: Raven black. Keeping her original hair color unlike her brother.
Likes: Watching her brother go on rage mood. And killing. She loves killing.
Dislikes: Stupid people. Ugly faggots. None perfect people.
Occupation: Assassinating her enemies for her "lord".
Bio: The younger twin of Storm, Airo has a rather bloodthirsty nature. But, since she thinks that life has no meaning, makes life shit before her. Her mother and father abandoned her and her brother when they were only 6 years old [( In human age!)] so they've both grown up learning to care for themselves without a parental consent. Later, her "lord" takes both her and her brother in as his own "children" and now Airois forever loyal and grateful for her "lord". She's really a bitch, but people still seem to like hanging out with her? Both Airo and her brother aren't of royal blood, but they sure act like it.
Personality: Bitchy. Hahaha, there's no other word to describe it.
Appearance: Raven black hair with purple eyes. Tall, around 5'6", skinny, and looks like a goddess. Everyone who passes her is enchanted by her, whether they want to or not. Her most amazing ability is to run. She's faster then her brother.
Claim: Alina
Name: Runa Sivadanse Asingard
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Shape Shifter
Alignment/Piece: White Pawn
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Light brown
Likes: Nature. Neat stuff. Peace. Quiet.
Dislikes: War. Violence. Mean people.
Occupation: Nothing.
Bio: A shape shifter living in a village of humans, always outcasted because of her ability to shape shift. Hated among all, but Runa always manages to find peace within herself. Not a real tree hugger, but a actual girl who likes to live without anything confusing or violent crossing her path. She doesn't have any friends, and longs for one to keep her company.
Personality: Kind, generous, and laughable. She's loyal through and through.
Appearance: Dark green eyes and light brown hair, about 5'3". She's not exactly tall, but nimble, quick, and fast. She's a dilligent worker. Though when she IS messed with, beware. She's not to be messed with when she's pissed, even though she rarely becomes annoyed.
Claim: Alina
Name: Kara Anstis Alvilda
Age: 19 years of age, somewhere around 1,500 years of age.
Gender: Female
Race: Fallen. Damn sexy one too.
Alignment/Piece: Black Pawn
Eye color: Faint greenish color, like seafoam green, but more sparkly and with a tint of spring green.
Hair color: Brown to blondish color. With traces of red.
Likes: Being daring. She's a bit of a badass. She also likes some lip service. She's also rather flirty.
Dislikes: People who are way too serious and caring. Damn tree huggers.
Occupation: Mercenary. She's also an assassin and a bounty hunter (quite the oxymoron)
Bio: Most of her past is unknown, however it is known that she has a twin brother :D... Also as sexy as her. (Not that he's gonna be mentioned. LOL)
Personality: She's quite cool and chill and calm. She doesn't care about much, she likes to live her life daringly and for the thrills. She's a bit of a flirt, but only for amusement, she doesn't care much for love either.
Other: :D... The original Kara character is actually a PIERAT. I modified her for this RP. xD Hahaha.
Claim: Hai, Kara's master is Rei <3
Name: Lyra Kandi Tsinusuka
Age: 17 years of a age
Gender: Female
Race: Half elf, half human. A white mage however. She's also a cleric.
Alignment/Piece: White bishop.
Eye color: Chocolate brown
Hair color: Mostly brown, with a couple strands of black.
Dislikes: People who destroy the Earth ;( [Yeah. Bullshit. xD]
Occupation: Mercenary. Actually. She's a cleric, as I said before. So she can't really fight properly as well. xD... Failure. She's also a white mage though. So IDK.
Bio: Her mother was a white mage as well, one she looked up to. Once on a group mission her mother's life was taken. She has obtained her mother's sense of nature and can communicate with the Earth and animals and what not. And she knows how to make potions and mix herbs well.
Personality: Quiet and calm. She's happy most of the time except for when people hurt the damn Earth. FRIPPING TREE HUGGER.
Appearance: Look at teh picture.
Other: She's a tree hugger. That is meant to die. KTHXBAI.
Claim: She's Rei's Tree hugger.
Name: Lux V Ryoju
Age: Appears to be 19. No one really knows his actual age though, mysterious.
Gender: Male.
Race: Half Demon, Half shapeshifter.
Alignment/Piece: Black King
Eye color: Black with a tint of light purple (really faint, you must really look at him in the eyes) when seen in the moonlight
Hair color: Black. Dead black. But he’s got Red highlights.
Likes: Fire
Dislikes: Snobby people who just poke around thinking they are better than he is. Orange leaves, lazy people.
Occupation: Mercenary
Bio: Back in his childhood days, he was abused. An abused child who grew up with a pretty cold heart, but he has learned to control it. However, one day an old mysterious man put some kind of spell which made him lose some parts of his memory. The ones that were left were images of sorrow.
Personality: Quiet, not much of a talker, but he can be aggressive, though his voice doesn’t seem to sound too harmful.
Appearance: Tall about 5’9, the same tired eyes and his mouth rarely smiling. He wears a sleeveless black jacket with black pants. A gold earring on his right ear only, But he is STRAIGHT >_>. Don’t get any second thought about this guy. Perfectly muscular and not too flabby.
Other: Nothing
Claim: Kei~
Name: Kojima Hiraku Auncovia
Age: Looks 18, but really, around 14,000 years of age
Gender: Male.
Race: Pure blood vampire
Alignment/Piece: White rook
Eye color: Crystal blue. With a thin line of black around the iris.
Hair color: Light brown, but it looks like different shades of brown.
Likes: girls. =_=
Dislikes: mushrooms and receiving bad reputation. And Demons
Occupation: He serves under the king
Bio: His father left him at the age of 6 and he has never seen his father since. His mother was slaughtered by a pureblood demon when he was 13. From that moment, he started to hate all kinds of demons. No matter if half demon or even an eighth demon. All demons to him are named Enemy. His sister, Shireira Auncovia, who was only 2 years older than him took care of him and he trained himself to become a great swordsman who can defend him and those he love. He also thinks being a swordsman makes him more “attractive”
Personality: Smooth talker, Very flirty, but I can’t say he’s not attractive *.*. The kind of guy who is easy to be friends with. He likes to dress nice and toy around with his sword. His appearance is important to him
Appearance: about 5’8, tall and slender. Nice body with buff arms. His hair shimmery. Always carries flower in the pocket of his jacket.
Other: Has an addiction to strawberries
Claim: Kei~
Rules *
- Absolutely NO GODMODDING. If I catch you godmodding I will flipping kill you. That means if you got shot 3928403290403298403984023 times and you never get hit I will flipping kill you.
- Romance is a yes, long detailed sex scenes? Uh-uh. Major no-no for this one. Yes, long detailed sex scenes implied, okay. But fast forward through them. And I stress romance is encouraged!
- No power playing. Basically, if a person doesn't want their character to be hit, or die or anything, you're not allowed to act it out for another person. Act out your own characters.
- Also. Don't double post. Yes. Separating your character's individual actions don't count.
- For claiming of characters, you're allowed 1-4 characters, however, I'd like to fill up all the posts, but if you want to add more characters in, in the middle of the RP that's okay too. And if a person distinctly does not want to play up to 4 characters, I may be lenient and let you have another character, but please remember to update all of your characters.
- Also, another thing about characters, you may not be two of the same piece. Example. Since I'm already claiming the Black Queen, I can't be the White Queen too. Also. I'd prefer it if you weren't always on the same team. Like... Your characters cannot be Black King, Black Rook, Black Bishop, Black Pawn. Please try to have variations. xD Hahaha.
- Character relations are allowed. Romance is good. Good good good. But please work them out with the other party. xD obviously you can also develop them in the RP.
- Oh. Another thing on characters, as a general rule of thumb... The chess pieces don't mean anything. ._. ... But. I would like the King and Queen to have their respective genders. But all the other pieces can be whatever gender they want. Although, it's probably more fun to have a good ratio of guy and girl characters, or else there will be not enough boys/girls to induce romance. xD
- You are LITERATE in this RP. Or at least semi-literate. I will allow no chat speak. I will also not allow... well not literate looking posts. xD Hahaha.
Whew. FINALLY DONE <3 I love you guys. Now you may either send your character profiles to me via gmail or gtalk or whatever. Or you can post them as a post, I will copy and pasta it into this post however and delete your post so our thread doesn't get cluttered. KTHX. Peace, yo`.
Rei ☆
Labels: Incomplete, Original Characters, RP - Black/White
Heart in Pieces
Outline -
Welcome to the reality show, Hearts in Pieces. This game show is directed at young couples that have just separated. In order to give these couples a second chance, we have created a game called, " Art of Seduction ". Now this may be a misleading name towards our purpose. However, each couple will live in the same room for up to 3 months. The object of this game is to "seduce" your ex-lover using whatever means possible. This "seduction" however does not only consist of body, of sexual desires. This refers to emotional desires as well. You seduce the person into loving you again. However, with the already broken trust... this may be difficult. But the overall reward between each couple is 1 billion dollars in cash. Now you will not be alone, there will be other couples along with you in this game. Each couple will live in their own rooms, but you will all be living in the same house of sorts. Your living expenses and other expenses will be taken care of by the game show. We wish you the best of luck gluing together your Heart in Pieces.
Character Templates -
Name: What are you called D:< Yo.
Age: How old you are. If you're like... a race that lives for a long time like an elf, angel or something or another you can state how old you look, or the age you're stuck in (I assume you have one) and if you'd like you can state an approximation of how old your character really is, that's optional though.
Gender: Very important. We don't want some gay romance or lesbian romance that is unintended (intended could be delicious though, friend) because you don't know what gender the other person is. :D Kthx.
Eye color: Self explanatory
Hair color: Also self explanatory.
Likes: Optional, but helpful.
Dislikes: Ditto.
Occupation: What they do.
Bio: Background info about said character. In-depth as you want it to be, vague if you want to develop it.
Personality: Same as above.
Appearance: A picture of what your character looks like, or somewhat looks like, you can just do words instead.
Charm point: In an obvious romance plot, your character should have some sort of charm point to entice the other party. However do not make it multiple things, just one. And it can't be like "BEAUTY". Too general. Say something like "nails are beautifully rounded and manicured" lol. xD
Weakness: Something your character can be easily fallen for. Tricks and tips for the other players. For example, you can say "flowers" or "pick up lines"
Other: Anything you have not mentioned.
Claim: What is your name, the person who is claiming it. :D
Characters -
Name: Rei Shimizu
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Eye color: Black, but she has a variety of different colored contacts. The majority of the time she wears gray ones or her brown ones with brown shine and gray ring (think my natural shine ones)
Hair color: Dyed, black. Jet black.
Likes: Money. Small gifts. Rain.
Dislikes: Asshole like tendencies. Crappy food. Cheapness.
Occupation: She's a student still, but she works part time as a waitress and has done a couple low profile photoshoots as a model. She tries hard to get known on the internet as an ulzzang.
Bio: She is a freshman in college and she is currently majoring in dance. Despite her rich background, she's fated to inherit her father's well established company, as well as marry a boy of his choice. That boy being Kiyoharu. She dreams of becoming a celebrity and is getting well known on the internet. She hopes to be discovered by a talent agency with her own strength so she can gain recognition for her accomplishment by her father. She was engaged to Kiyoharu at birth, their families are good friends. They only officially dated for a year and two months.
Personality: Despite her strong front. She is somewhat of a weakling. She falls prey to her feelings quickly and can often be swept away in them. She's particularly sensitive to what others think of her, but tries to make others think otherwise. She may act bitchy, or like a slut, but it is because of her insecurities. However, she has a strong will and is a big dreamer.
Charm point: Her charm point are her eyes, they're dark and have depth. Like ^
Weakness: Small gifts periodically. Elaborate ways of making her feel special.
Other: She's the one that broke up with Kiyoharu :] Good reason why which will be revealed... as we go along xD
Claim: Rei
Name: Kiyoharu Matsumoto
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Blond with black roots.
Likes: Women. Dominance (That sounds dirty already xD). Napping.
Dislikes: Disobedience. People with ulterior motives. Cheaters.
Occupation: Works in his grandfather's company in a pretty high position, in the department of overseas business.
Bio: Kiyoharu is born from an infinitely rich family. And was engaged to Rei as soon as she was born. Their company, the "Shinhwa Group", is perhaps the largest company in Japan. Both he and Rei have had schooling in America as transfer students. Being in the overseas department, he is fluent in many different languages. Their arranged marriage was merrily a marriage of convenience. They've known each other for 19 years, but have been officially dating for 1 year and 2 months.
Personality: Kiyoharu has a very cocky and egotistical front. He treats Rei indifferently, mostly out of caution to not let any people get too close to him. However he's actually very caring and protective and is also a perfectionist as well as a romantic. He likes taking things into his own hands, using his own methods. Rather cunning and good at lying.
^ Face is like the person on left. Hair like person on right :X
Charm point: Nice abs :D (Think Jaebeom.) Soft hair. (Okay. that isn't really a charm point I guess. xD... IT's just that he takes care of his hair. REALLY INSANELY WELL)
Weakness: Tears/Crying (xD LOL)
Other: He doesn't know the ACTUAL reason why Rei broke up with him.
Claim: Rei
Couples -
Rei - Kiyoharu ~ [Rei-Rei]
Rules -
- No powerplaying. This is probably crucial to this plot line. Lol. Power playing sucks in romance plots. As an overview, powerplaying is when you use another person's character without their consent.
- You can make up to 2 couples. Which means 4 people. This doesn't mean you can't be paired up with another person's character (Yes, that'll be fun, although since you're not going to POWERPLAY, your character might have some failures in terms of seduction ;])
- Do not go god mode. That also means you can't have PPs (Perfect people). So they can't be perfect. Please include some endearing flaws.
- Also. As a reminder the "couples" sign up doesn't mean you guys have to be together during the RP. (Although it might be easier or whatever.) But. If you would like to, you could have your character be with someone else in the same room. (it has to be guy-girl though) And then have them end up with a different character during the RP. (This sounds confusing, but really, it's not)
- Be literate. It's okay to have writers block, everyone understands that, but please try to post a minimum of 3 sentences.
- Also, I understand that you may be interacting with your own characters a lot in this plot line, but please try to have contact with other people as well.
- Another thing. EVERYONE IS HUMAN IN THIS RP. EVERYONE. HUMAN. *implodes*
- Last thing, to show that you have read all of this, IM me the words "bubblegum cappuccino" before you can start RPing.

Rei ☆
Labels: Incomplete, NC -17, Original Characters, RP - Hearts in Pieces
B L A C K && W H I T E - 5
Storm Rhysis Arismera-Ranmar
"God, Airo, do you plan on setting the entire forest on fire?" Storm whipped around to face his twin sister. His sister didn't look at him. Instead, she raised her hand and the tree next to her burst into flames, joining the hundreds of trees behind her. Already, the air above the siblings were black with smoke.
"I'm careful to not let any of the other trees burn. Just the ones I'm setting on fire," Airo drawled to her brother, rolling her eyes. "And if the rest of the trees catch on fire, what's the harm?"
Storm smirked. Typical Airo. "True...true that. Fine, burn away the forest. I could truly care less."
He turned back around to walk slowly through the forest. He sighed. Life was so boring these days. Master didn't have any quests for him to complete, and he was getting restless.
Storm ran his hand through his golden-brown hair. He sighed again. Where was the enemy....his heart accelerated when he thought about killing.
"Airo!" Storm whipped around to face his twin for the second time.
"What?" Airo snapped, her eyes blazing with annoyance. "Are you going to tell me to stop burning the bugs next? Gosh, stop it!"
"No, no, no. You up for a challenge, little sister?" Storm grinned, taking out his sword.
A challenge?" Airo looked at her brother. "Oh. You know I could beat you in about 10 seconds."
"No, I've practiced. You'll find it harder to defeat me now." Storm pushed his sleeves up. "Are you up for it, little sister? Or are you
"You wish," Airo sneered, drawing her own sword out. "Bring it, bro."
Storm leaped forward in one bound, his sword flashing in the bright fire and sun beaming down form the sky. With a snarl, Airo blocked her brother's powerful thrust. She dug her heels into the ground, but the impact of Storm's hit sent her flying backwards. She landed about 20 feet away, next to a crumbling black tree.
Storm jumped backwards, landing neatly on his feet. "Ready for round two, Airo?" he taunted, winking.
Airo growled, sprang to her feet, and launched herself across the distance seperating herself with her brother, and attacked him.
"A friendly match!" Storm laughed, parrying the blow.
"In which I will win!" Airo exclaimed, slashing this way and that, her moves a blur.
Storm grinned, but his smile faltered when he missed blocking one of Airo's blows. He gritted his teeth in pain as Airo's sword entered his flesh, sinking deep into his magic bloodstream.
"Still as fast as ever, aren't you, Airo?" Storm clenched his teeth, dropping his sword to kneel before his sister.
"Of course." Airo sniffed, pulling her sword out of her brother's sword arm. She wiped the dark blood on the grass, and sheathed her sword. "Need healing?"
"I'm not useless, dear sister. I can heal myself quite well." Storm snapped, angry he had lost again. He never won against Airo....she was just too fast for him...no matter his great swordsmenship, he had no ability to exceed his own sister. "Damn it." he muttered, putting his right hand over his left arm. "Heal." he murmured. His flesh started to knit itself back together again.
"You're just too weak, Storm. You'll never beat me." Airo smiked, pulling her sleeves back to start burning trees again. "But, nevertheless, I must thank you. You made the blood flow in my body again."
Storm stood up, sulking. What a terrible sister he had. This was definitely not the way he had planned for this to happen.
Meanwhile, miles away, Kiyo sees a black cloud of ash from buring trees drifting in to the sky...
Labels: RP - Black/White
(( Lol. xD Kei powerplayed. :X It's okay though xD I'll let it go. Hahaha. It matters not, although if you want more characters at your disposal you can finish your other character profiles.))
Kara ran aimlessly through the forest, unsure as to why she was running in the first place. It was unlike her to want to play the defenseless girl role. It didn't matter though, so she slowed down her pace. As she slowed down her inhuman pace, two faces swam into focus, she broke into an abrupt halt as to not bump into them. Having failed that task, she bumped into the blond man and fell to the ground from the impact.
The blond man reached out his hand to her, "Need a hand?"
Kara took it without further prompting, brushing herself off, embarrassed to have made such a careless move in front of these strangers. She inspected the man as she stood up, upon closer inspection he had black roots to his blond hair. Her eyes darted to the girl standing with a frightened looking expression behind him. Big eyes, with a rather naive look on her face. Definitely a tree hugger. She looked at her outfit, and took the time to feel the aura she emitted. "A cleric...?"
The brown-eyed girl nodded, "Yes, I am. I'm Lyra, do you need healing of any sort?"
Kara's thoughts trailed back to the list of "allies" that would be on the field with her. There were no clerics, or anyone named Lyra. She braced herself and drew into a defensive stance, "You two are hired by the White Kingdom...?"
Kara flinched as the man settled his hand on her shoulder, "There's no need to worry? I'm guessing you're of the Black Kingdom?"
Kara nodded cautiously, unsure if the best move was to be honest or not. "I don't need help of any sort, but my friend might." Her eyes darted around, looking for ways to escape in case a fight broke out, two against one, she may lose. The first thing she would need to do is take out the cleric, then---
"Your friend? Of what placement is your friend?" The blond man spoke again, breaking her train of thought.
Kara thought back again to the list,
who else was there... The file had been so detailed, but she couldn't remember any of those details.There had been no brown haired boy with such clear crystal blue eyes in the file had there? Realization dawned on her.
They are all from the White Kingdom.
Unsure as to why the words came out her mouth she found herself saying, "He's from the Kingdom of White."
The blond haired man seemed amused by her honesty, "Well then, let's find your friend. There's no need to be so tense." He took his hand off her shoulder and started walking on ahead of her with his backside exposed. "Come on Lyra, let's go find our little soldier."
"Okay!" Lyra nodded enthusiastically, finding herself wanting to be of use to the handsome blond. "Let's go Kiyo!"
Kara looked at them,
They're so foolish, leaving their backsides to an enemy. She was only giving back to what she owed to the clear eyed swordsman. After she paid her debt back, they would all be enemies.
((LOL. KARA IS SO OUT OF CHARACTER. DAMMIT. FAIL Oh I'm dropping the Avvie thing. It's way too complex. I have a feeling posts are going to be jumping from POV to POV anyway.))
Rei ☆Labels: RP - Black/White
Kojima Hiraku Ancovia
I picked up the broken flower that was trampled on the ground. "Sad isn't it, the world that brought us all here. To become what... " I wondered. Living only to kill, that is what I can do best. However to have to die and wither, Hah, I'm not like that. It's just--
A noise rustled from behind the bushes he was standing in front. "Who's there? Stand to fight or die in my presence!"
A girl steps out and stares at me. Hmph, who does she think she is. Does she think she can trample My own time alone? But whatever. She seems...
"Who are you...?" She circled me and eyed me as if I was prey. "Whats this? Haha, you are a swordsman? That's very interesting"
I observered her. She does not seem to be scared of a sharp sword like mine. "Hm, would you like to see it?" I wiffed out my blade. It shined in the sun like a clear crystal. "Her name is Vira. Made by the best blacksmith in my town. . . That's right, what's your name, lovely girl?" I stepped closer to her bringing her eyes up to mine.
She swatted my hand away. "Kara." She never put her stare off of me.
I laughed. A girl who is feisty is the type of girl I can fight with. I bowed down in a fashionable manner "Kara, what a lovely name you have. I am Kojima Hiraku Auncovia." I gently grabbed the rose I had kept in my jacket pocket and handed it to her. Accepting it, she asked, "So, what do you do here every day? I see you here every day in the morning talking to yourself sometimes. About a... stone?"
"You've been spying on me?" What a thought. "There's nothing more beautiful than being able to be able to kill --!!!" I whipped around and threw a poison dart at a bush.
A man clothed in black fell down, blood oozing from the spot I hit him at. the neck. The perfect place for death. All of a sudden, more black clothed men jumped out from all around. 8 I counted. "What the hell. And I was about to enjoy my date"
I grabbed my sword and and licked the blade. "Get them Vira" I snickered. The first 2 men jumped at me but missed as I jumped into the air and sliced the first man's head off and stabbed the second man's heart. Always aim the Heart. It is where life was born.
I looked back at Kara. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL STANDING THERE FOR? RUN! I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS" I continued to slice the third man's neck. I looked back at where Kara was standing before to make sure she had run away. She was gone.
Another man charged at me with his triple blade dance. the third sword in his mouth. Hah, if these men think they can beat me, they must be insane. I quickly ran towards him keeping my sword low and sliced his right arm off. He screamed but I cut his voice off.
Before the last three men charged at me, I said, "Damn you. ruining my day does not make a gentle man like me happy. What you have come for?"
One of the man stepped forward and sneered. "Your life." He jumped at me only to scrape the side of my left arm.
"DAMN IT" I became raged with anger and sliced his chest open. The next target. Simple, these men were not original men I have fought before. They smelled different. As if something bad was going to happen and I was to be dead before it all happened.
I killed the seventh man and approached the last man standing. Quivering he whimpered, "Spare me, please"
"Hmph, you? What a bore" and raised my sword
"PLEASE. Don't," He cried
"What, tell me. Why is it that the world has brought you here today?"
"It must not be said! It must not be said!" he began to tremble and mutter to himself some nonsense that made me annoyed. "If you kill him, you will die! Beware! do'nt be tricked by the one!" What nonsense he kept repeating
"SPIT IT! What the hell are you saying?" I kicked him, but he only rolled over in fright.
"The war..." he whispered as the last breath came out of him. I rolled him around and found a time poison stuck to his neck. I examined it and found it filled with only a drop of poison left.
that was awkward. What he was saying, was it all true? Something. Is something really about to happen?
~Kei ☆
Labels: RP - Black/White
B L A C K && W H I T E - 2
I looked down at the cowering knight in front of ne with disgust. How wasteful. The scum. Losing a battle that we had provoked? Unspeakable. I scowled. This knight...this general...must go.
"My lord," the general's voice trembled. "Their forces were too strong. We didn't have enough, they managed to break our magical barriers, my lord." He had fallen to his knees, and the last words out of his mouth had been muffled as he laid down before me.
The guards that were stationed by the palace door looked at the general with distaste and scorn. No elf ever sank that low before another. Elves, the superior race, were prideful beyond all other races.
I allowed a small smile to grace my face. Well, it was hard not to be scared when facing me. "And why," I replied, my voice high and cold, vibrating through the room, "Did you not have back up magicians elves? You should have easily beaten them."
The knight lifted his face and gasped, "We did not have back up magicians and that was my mistake, my lord."
"Excuses!" I spat back at him, causing the general to flinch. I felt the anger pulsing through my bloodstream."You deserve a punishment, don't you think so?" The knight was nodding his head vigorously, though his eyes betrayed the true fear he felt.
"My high lord, your pureness, you may do anything as you wish, for you are the king of all kings."
I sneered. Did this elf think that by flattering me, that I would let him go?
"So I may dispose of you?" I let my eyes bore into the general's dark green eyes. I could see his pupils dilate in fear, and the general nodded once. I smiled fully this time. I couldn't remember the last time a subject agreed to dispose of themselves. Then the memory flashed through me. Of course. How could I had forgotten? The previous man who had agreed with me had been the prophet. The memory made me snarl.
"My lord, your pureness, the prophet has arrived!" the guard stood in salute to me.
"Allow him in." I had been wondering what a prophet wanted to talk to me for. I had heard of rumors about this prophet, rumors that he had seen a sight about me. A death. But they couldn't possibly be true. Nevertheless, I had summoned him here to talk to me.
"His pureness has granted you his presence!" the guard shouted as he moved to position with the other four guard, standing tall and proud with their long black hair rippling in the wind.
A old elf entered the room. He could barely support himself without the help of a walking cane, but I could sense the burning energy within him.
The prophet hobbled towards me, and bowed. "My kingship, I have come to be graced by your presence, for you have summoned me?"
"Yes, I have heard...that you have heard..something of me. Do you wish to warn me of something?" I let a hint of sarcasm touch my voice.
"Your future, your grace." the prophet smirked. So this one had an attitude. Good. Let's have some competition going on.
I sneered, "If you wish to tell me that I will become powerful and all that shit, you may leave."
The old elf laughed at these words, bringing a wave of anger surging against me. "You are as ignorant as I thought you would be! You believe yourself to be invincible!"
"I am, for no one can touch me. It is impossible to hurt me." I rose out of my chair, my voice trembling with anger. My eyes blazed with fury. How dare this old elf come wondering in and insult me!
"You are strong now, but soon, very soon, your powers will fade along with the dying rose." the prophet leered at me.
"Your stupidity and outspokenness shall cost you your life! The rose shall never die!" I let my voice ring out magnificently, putting as much threat as I could into my voice.
The prophet laughed, "Go ahead, kill me then, your pureness. But it is your downfall you shall meet, and you shall regret it."
I felt the power building up within me. Enough was enough. who did this elf think he was? Speaking to me like this, an outrage. He shall suffer.
"So it shall be." I snarled coldly, raising my hand. With a flash of red light, I whipped my arm down and the prophet died in a blaze of red, all within the span of 2 seconds.
My guards stood petrified by the door, observing the scene with horror and terror in their eyes, but not daring to move, fearing that they would disrupt my anger, provoking their deaths.
"Dispose of him." I turned around and went back to my throne, whipping my long silver hair behind me like a whirlwind.
My four guards clumsily bowed and dashed across the floor with superhuman speed. One of them, the one who had told me of the prophet's arrival, plucked the prophet from the floor with superhuman strength. He ran to the fireplace where the other 3 were and without any effort, he tossed the elf into the fireplace. The other three blew on their fingers, and flames erupted in the fireplace, flaring heat throughout the room while the dead elf's body burst into green sparks and faded away.
I stared at the pleading general.
"I will fully pay for what I have done, my lord!" the general was once again low on his knees. The four guards were the same exact who had observed the death of the prophet. They shook their raven-black hair nervously, seeming to know what was coming next.
“You will?” I rose from my chair. History repeating himself, right? I certainly felt as angry as I had felt when I killed the prophet. Maybe even angrier.
The general swallowed nervously. I could hear his heart beating furiously.
And with another bright red flash, I let my anger out on the general. My four guards stumbled back in shock at how fast that had happened.
“Now he has fully paid his mistake.” I sneered. I sat back down on the chair, calmly twirling my fingers together. “Dispose of him.”
Labels: RP - Black/White
B L A C K && W H I T E - 1
Lyra walked aimlessly through the forest like terrain. She had been so called “fed to the wolves” when she was chosen to be part of this free-for-all type of battle. Sure they had allies which were also picked from the same kingdom. However with mercenaries it’s hard to tell where their loyalties lie.
She ran her fingers through her hair and looked around, so far she had not met anyone, ally or foe. Her chocolate brown eyes looked around wearily half expecting a ghost to pop up in this god forsaken place. Maybe because it was god forsaken, so it was chosen as the battling ground. She nodded to herself dumbly, wondering why she was having this innermind conversation with herself.
She was just a humble little mage. All the townspeople had praised her for her gift of healing and talking with animals. Also with her sense of herbs and ability to make potions and poultices and such. Her eyes swam around looking at her surroundings, trying to take careful note of how she could use the land to her advantage
She placed her hand on a nearby tree, she felt the familiar chill go down her spine as it always did when she communicated with nature. “The soil here is great, and the trees here are healthy…” she whispered to no one in particular.
The sound of clamping of boots came towards her. In an instant there was a small army of 5-6 soldiers in front of her. They were dressed in all black, and had a small symbol of the kingdom of Black on their uniforms. She let out a involuntary surprised gasp out.
The soldiers as if startled for a moment at how small and how thin she was gave a start. They quickly regained their composure and rushed towards her, raising their swords into the air ready to attack her.
Lyra heard a small chuckle behind her, she was about to whip her head back before she saw a flurry of blonde hair pass by right in front of her. A sound of clashing metal rang into the air and the birds flew out of the branches above them.
The boy in front of her, about 19 years of age she guessed, whipped around in a circular motion, pushing all of the soldiers back. He gave a slight chuckle again, giving a toothy grin he rushed towards the soldiers. He contacted the first soldier’s neck with sharp chop downwards, snapping his neck, then sweep kicked the rest of the company. “Well now, I thought that this was a fair competition between skilled fighters,” he said in a mocking tone.
He slipped behind the second soldier and touched his hands to the soldier’s neck before roughly snapping it with a sickening cracking sound. He gave a twisted kind of smile before continuing to the next soldier. He contacted the soldier’s diaphragm with a kick, knocking the air out of him, then snapped his neck as well.
A soldier hesitantly rushed at him, he whipped around and in one swift motion thrust two of his fingers at his rib cage before jerking his fingers up with incredible strength, causing the soldier instant death. He looked lazily at the last soldier, daring the soldier to come towards him.
The soldier took a few steps back with a frightened expression on his face. “Not as courageous as the rest of your friends, ehh?” the blond-haired boy mocked. “Tell the rest of your friends to not come here, this is a competition of skilled fighters, not little ants like you. If any of you come here again, you won’t die in such a civilized manner.” He gestured at the soldier’s dead companions.
The soldier made a couple curt nods then scurried away quickly.
He gave a loud sigh and turned to look at Lyra, extending his hand he said, “My name is Kiyoharu, I was hired by the Knight unit of White, Miss Lyra.”
Lyra took his hand and looked into his dark black eyes and felt her heart skip a beat. This man was perfection.
[( Rei's posts will be in Ruki avatars, Kiyoharu's post will be in Uruha Avatars, Kara's posts are going to be in Miyavi avatars and Lyra's will be in Satsuki avatars. *nods* that's how you will distinguish xD)]
Rei ☆Labels: RP - Black/White
B L A C K && W H I T E
In two neighboring kingdoms, there is the kingdom of
Black and kingdom of
White. As these two kingdoms drag out a long lasting rivalry, each kingdom sends 6 of their finest mercenaries in their kingdom to the field. Respectively, pawn, king, queen, bishop, rook and knight. On the field it is a free-for-all. Generally, it's "correct" to fight with your allies and comrades, however on the field there is no such thing as "loyalty" to these mercenaries.
Character Template
Name: What are you called D:< Yo.
Age: How old you are. If you're like... a race that lives for a long time like an elf, angel or something or another you can state how old you look, or the age you're stuck in (I assume you have one) and if you'd like you can state an approximation of how old your character really is, that's optional though.
Gender: Very important. We don't want some gay romance or lesbian romance that is unintended (intended could be delicious though, friend) because you don't know what gender the other person is. :D Kthx.
Race: What are you? MORTAL (or immortal for that matter xD) You can use
http://chocolateboxd.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=recinformationpanel&action=display&thread=58 for reference, if you want to make your own "race" it's okay, just don't make it like... too godmodding. And please explain.
Alignment/Piece: Basically... black or white. And what piece of the chessboard you would be.
Eye color: Self explanatory
Hair color: Also self explanatory.
Likes: Optional, but helpful.
Dislikes: Ditto.
Occupation: If they're just a mercenary you can say so. But if they're like a flipping assasin or what not you can say that too.
Bio: Background info about said character. In-depth as you want it to be, vague if you want to develop it.
Personality: Same as above.
Appearance: A picture of what your character looks like, or somewhat looks like, you can just do words instead.
Other: Anything you have not mentioned.
Claim: What is your name, the person who is claiming it. :D
Piece Claims
Black *
Black King
-Kei ~ Lux V Ryoju -
Black Queen
-Rei ~ Reira Kariyra Alvedia -
Black Knight
-Alina ~ Airo Caiusos Arismera-Ranmar -
Black Rook
-Alina ~ Storm Rhysis Arismera-Ranmar -
Black Bishop
-No claim-
Black Pawn
-Rei ~ Kara Anstis Alvilda -
White *
White King
- Alina ~ AIX Hakusan Eosr-Ansa -
White Queen
-no claim-
White Rook
- Kei ~ Kojima Hiraku Auncovia -
White Bishop
- Rei ~ Lyra Kandi Tsinusuka -
White Knight
- Rei ~ Kiyoharu Matsumoto -
White Pawn
- Alina ~ Runa Sivadanse Asingard -
Character Profiles
Name: Reira Kariyra Alvedia
Age: Stuck at the age of 17, but is somewhere 5,000-8,000 years of age.
Gender: Female
Race: Demon - of Royal blood.
Alignment/Piece: Black Queen
Eye color: Bluish black, turns a faint purple color when berserk.
Hair color: Black, jet black.
Likes: Being obnoxious. Amusement. And being bipolar.
Dislikes: Stupid people, although she tolerates them. She also dislikes people who are tree huggers.
Occupation: Mercenary. She also works for her "lord". Being a demon of the demon world, she's contracted to her lord.
Bio: Being of royal blood, she's been spoiled since birth. However she's also been jaded since birth to be a killing machine. She is often sent on tasks by "her lord", she's unfazed whether burning down villages, killing women and children and pillaging. When she is sent she often goes "berserk" and hurts whatever is in her way, foe or ally.
Personality: She's for the most part obnoxious, sometimes cruel, but mostly rather harmless and doesn't get into fights unless she goes berserk. She also has somewhat of a skeptical view on life, and looks down on halflings. Whenever pushed into a corner, she belittles others by mentioning her royal blood.
Other: She prefers to be called Rei xD.... NOT LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO REMEMBER HER HELLOVALONG NAME.
Claim: Haithar, my name is Rei <3
Name: AIX Hakusan Eosr-Ansa
Age: 18 yrs. old. But actually around 300 years. Really young...
Gender: Male. HE IS STRAIGHT.
Race: Elf
Alignment/Piece: White King
Eye color: Blue. Light Light Bright Brilliant EXTREME BLUE.
Hair color: Silver [(Okeii, this picture is a bit off on the hair color. But let's imagine it's because of the lighting xD)]
Likes: Nothing.
Dislikes: Everything.
Occupation: Ruling?
Bio: Born late by a hating mother, AIX was thrust into a world of confusion and war. After his mother and the late king died, AIX took the throne of the elven kingdom at the age of 18. [Really? 300 years.] Considering the fact that elves usually mature at the age of 800 years old, AIX is considered somewhat of a young kid. No matter. AIX handles everything extremely well and runs his country extremely smoothly for such a young person. Strikingly handsome with his startling blue eyes and his bright silver hair, AIX rules his kingdom with a hard hand and determined mind. AIX's real name is Aver Inconious Xinv, but no one ever calls him that, for fear of being slain. AIX's magical powers tower even above the late king and his mother. Prophecies tell of his great coming, but his terrible downfall as well.
Personality: Cold. Hating. No love. After all, he is single. Filled with pure hate.
Appearance: Look above. Those not mentioned is that he is tall, about 5'8", skinny, but muscular. He often wears dark robes of black. His face is sharp, always in a sneer, and his voice is extremely enchanting.
Claim: Alina
Name: Kiyoharu Matsumoto
Age: Stuck at the age of 19, real age is unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Half angel, half demon
Alignment/Piece: White Knight
Eye color: Blackkk.
Hair color: Blond, black roots.
Likes: Being a pretty boy. Fixing his hair. Being a narcissist. xD
Dislikes: Ugly people. People who wear green and purple together (Actually that might just be Lihan). Tree huggers. People who take things way to seriously. Hippies. Girls who are weaklings.
Occupation: Mercenary
Bio: Being a Halfling you’d expect his life to be hard, but nope. Angel side, of royal decent, although he rejects the idea of being “holy”. Demon half, also of royal decent. Not to mention he had been arranged to marry Rei at birth. He has the typical easy lifestyle of a rich and powerful family, he just does his mercenary work to “rebel” and feel the dangerous side of things.
Personality: He’s mostly obnoxious and full of himself. He prefers to get amusement out of everything he does. He’s also somewhat in love with himself and has the habit of continuously twisting the ends of his hair and styling them into place.
Appearance: Look at the pretty picture :D Earring on left ear. Only one. A simple silver stud.
Claim: Reireireirei :D
Name: Storm Rhysis Arismera-Ranmar
Age: Appears 16 years old. But really has an unknown age. He is older then his twin sister though. [(His twin is Airo)]
Gender: Male
Race: Fallen
Alignment/Piece: Black Rook
Eye color: Dark Brown - Black
Hair color: His roots are black. But his current hair color is redish-goldish-blond-ish
Likes: Being cocky.
Dislikes: Angels and Humans [And Halfies]. Hates them beyond everything.
Occupation: Assassinating for his "lord". Enjoys torturing his enemies.
Bio: The older twin then Airo, his personality is cocky and funny. He's really a laydown guy, but when it comes to Angels, Humans, and Halfies, his rage is unstoppable. He's almost never found without his sister, and when seperated, he is known to be very short tempered. He is proud to be a Fallen, showing off his dark and light skills. Storm likes to show off and brag about things to people. He's pretty much the ass of the century, but cool all the way through. His most unique and special power is his beyond awesome swordsmanship. He is unstoppable with the sword, disarming his enemies in a few seconds maximum. If he suddenly meets someone a worthy opponent, he throws in some of his magic and he truly is unstoppable, whether the person is berserk of not. But...he hates...hates...hates...arrows..... [(hint hint)]
Personality: Cocky. Funny. Lazy. If you get to know him, he can actually be the best friend you ever have. Once you get through the cockiness and bragging and showing off....
Appearance: Red/Blonde/Gold Hair. A sharp face that resembles his sister almost exactly. His face is extremely exquisite, with dark brown eyes. His skin is unusally pale for a Fallen. Rather average height, around 5'7", more skinny then buff. But don't be fooled. He could easily snap anybody in half. He's extremely fast on his feet, and can jump to amazing heights.[( OMG....isn't Leeteuk just so hot? < 3>
Claim: Alina
Name: Airo Caiusos Arismera-Ranmar
Age: Appears 16 years old. But really has an unknown age. She's younger then her older brother though. [(Her twin is Storm)]
Gender: Female
Race: Fallen
Alignment/Piece: Black Knight
Eye color: Purple, unlike her brother. Her mother had purple eyes while their father had brown eyes.
Hair color: Raven black. Keeping her original hair color unlike her brother.
Likes: Watching her brother go on rage mood. And killing. She loves killing.
Dislikes: Stupid people. Ugly faggots. None perfect people.
Occupation: Assassinating her enemies for her "lord".
Bio: The younger twin of Storm, Airo has a rather bloodthirsty nature. But, since she thinks that life has no meaning, makes life shit before her. Her mother and father abandoned her and her brother when they were only 6 years old [( In human age!)] so they've both grown up learning to care for themselves without a parental consent. Later, her "lord" takes both her and her brother in as his own "children" and now Airois forever loyal and grateful for her "lord". She's really a bitch, but people still seem to like hanging out with her? Both Airo and her brother aren't of royal blood, but they sure act like it.
Personality: Bitchy. Hahaha, there's no other word to describe it.
Appearance: Raven black hair with purple eyes. Tall, around 5'6", skinny, and looks like a goddess. Everyone who passes her is enchanted by her, whether they want to or not. Her most amazing ability is to run. She's faster then her brother.
Claim: Alina
Name: Runa Sivadanse Asingard
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Shape Shifter
Alignment/Piece: White Pawn
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Light brown
Likes: Nature. Neat stuff. Peace. Quiet.
Dislikes: War. Violence. Mean people.
Occupation: Nothing.
Bio: A shape shifter living in a village of humans, always outcasted because of her ability to shape shift. Hated among all, but Runa always manages to find peace within herself. Not a real tree hugger, but a actual girl who likes to live without anything confusing or violent crossing her path. She doesn't have any friends, and longs for one to keep her company.
Personality: Kind, generous, and laughable. She's loyal through and through.
Appearance: Dark green eyes and light brown hair, about 5'3". She's not exactly tall, but nimble, quick, and fast. She's a dilligent worker. Though when she IS messed with, beware. She's not to be messed with when she's pissed, even though she rarely becomes annoyed.
Claim: Alina
Name: Kara Anstis Alvilda
Age: 19 years of age, somewhere around 1,500 years of age.
Gender: Female
Race: Fallen. Damn sexy one too.
Alignment/Piece: Black Pawn
Eye color: Faint greenish color, like seafoam green, but more sparkly and with a tint of spring green.
Hair color: Brown to blondish color. With traces of red.
Likes: Being daring. She's a bit of a badass. She also likes some lip service. She's also rather flirty.
Dislikes: People who are way too serious and caring. Damn tree huggers.
Occupation: Mercenary. She's also an assassin and a bounty hunter (quite the oxymoron)
Bio: Most of her past is unknown, however it is known that she has a twin brother :D... Also as sexy as her. (Not that he's gonna be mentioned. LOL)
Personality: She's quite cool and chill and calm. She doesn't care about much, she likes to live her life daringly and for the thrills. She's a bit of a flirt, but only for amusement, she doesn't care much for love either.
Other: :D... The original Kara character is actually a PIERAT. I modified her for this RP. xD Hahaha.
Claim: Hai, Kara's master is Rei <3
Name: Lyra Kandi Tsinusuka
Age: 17 years of a age
Gender: Female
Race: Half elf, half human. A white mage however. She's also a cleric.
Alignment/Piece: White bishop.
Eye color: Chocolate brown
Hair color: Mostly brown, with a couple strands of black.
Dislikes: People who destroy the Earth ;( [Yeah. Bullshit. xD]
Occupation: Mercenary. Actually. She's a cleric, as I said before. So she can't really fight properly as well. xD... Failure. She's also a white mage though. So IDK.
Bio: Her mother was a white mage as well, one she looked up to. Once on a group mission her mother's life was taken. She has obtained her mother's sense of nature and can communicate with the Earth and animals and what not. And she knows how to make potions and mix herbs well.
Personality: Quiet and calm. She's happy most of the time except for when people hurt the damn Earth. FRIPPING TREE HUGGER.
Appearance: Look at teh picture.
Other: She's a tree hugger. That is meant to die. KTHXBAI.
Claim: She's Rei's Tree hugger.
Name: Lux V Ryoju
Age: Appears to be 19. No one really knows his actual age though, mysterious.
Gender: Male.
Race: Half Demon, Half shapeshifter.
Alignment/Piece: Black King
Eye color: Black with a tint of light purple (really faint, you must really look at him in the eyes) when seen in the moonlight
Hair color: Black. Dead black. But he’s got Red highlights.
Likes: Fire
Dislikes: Snobby people who just poke around thinking they are better than he is. Orange leaves, lazy people.
Occupation: Mercenary
Bio: Back in his childhood days, he was abused. An abused child who grew up with a pretty cold heart, but he has learned to control it. However, one day an old mysterious man put some kind of spell which made him lose some parts of his memory. The ones that were left were images of sorrow.
Personality: Quiet, not much of a talker, but he can be aggressive, though his voice doesn’t seem to sound too harmful.
Appearance: Tall about 5’9, the same tired eyes and his mouth rarely smiling. He wears a sleeveless black jacket with black pants. A gold earring on his right ear only, But he is STRAIGHT >_>. Don’t get any second thought about this guy. Perfectly muscular and not too flabby.
Other: Nothing
Claim: Kei~
Name: Kojima Hiraku Auncovia
Age: Looks 18, but really, around 14,000 years of age
Gender: Male.
Race: Pure blood vampire
Alignment/Piece: White rook
Eye color: Crystal blue. With a thin line of black around the iris.
Hair color: Light brown, but it looks like different shades of brown.
Likes: girls. =_=
Dislikes: mushrooms and receiving bad reputation. And Demons
Occupation: He serves under the king
Bio: His father left him at the age of 6 and he has never seen his father since. His mother was slaughtered by a pureblood demon when he was 13. From that moment, he started to hate all kinds of demons. No matter if half demon or even an eighth demon. All demons to him are named Enemy. His sister, Shireira Auncovia, who was only 2 years older than him took care of him and he trained himself to become a great swordsman who can defend him and those he love. He also thinks being a swordsman makes him more “attractive”
Personality: Smooth talker, Very flirty, but I can’t say he’s not attractive *.*. The kind of guy who is easy to be friends with. He likes to dress nice and toy around with his sword. His appearance is important to him
Appearance: about 5’8, tall and slender. Nice body with buff arms. His hair shimmery. Always carries flower in the pocket of his jacket.
Other: Has an addiction to strawberries
Claim: Kei~
Rules *
- Absolutely NO GODMODDING. If I catch you godmodding I will flipping kill you. That means if you got shot 3928403290403298403984023 times and you never get hit I will flipping kill you.
- Romance is a yes, long detailed sex scenes? Uh-uh. Major no-no for this one. Yes, long detailed sex scenes implied, okay. But fast forward through them. And I stress romance is encouraged!
- No power playing. Basically, if a person doesn't want their character to be hit, or die or anything, you're not allowed to act it out for another person. Act out your own characters.
- Also. Don't double post. Yes. Separating your character's individual actions don't count.
- For claiming of characters, you're allowed 1-4 characters, however, I'd like to fill up all the posts, but if you want to add more characters in, in the middle of the RP that's okay too. And if a person distinctly does not want to play up to 4 characters, I may be lenient and let you have another character, but please remember to update all of your characters.
- Also, another thing about characters, you may not be two of the same piece. Example. Since I'm already claiming the Black Queen, I can't be the White Queen too. Also. I'd prefer it if you weren't always on the same team. Like... Your characters cannot be Black King, Black Rook, Black Bishop, Black Pawn. Please try to have variations. xD Hahaha.
- Character relations are allowed. Romance is good. Good good good. But please work them out with the other party. xD obviously you can also develop them in the RP.
- Oh. Another thing on characters, as a general rule of thumb... The chess pieces don't mean anything. ._. ... But. I would like the King and Queen to have their respective genders. But all the other pieces can be whatever gender they want. Although, it's probably more fun to have a good ratio of guy and girl characters, or else there will be not enough boys/girls to induce romance. xD
- You are LITERATE in this RP. Or at least semi-literate. I will allow no chat speak. I will also not allow... well not literate looking posts. xD Hahaha.
Whew. FINALLY DONE <3 I love you guys. Now you may either send your character profiles to me via gmail or gtalk or whatever. Or you can post them as a post, I will copy and pasta it into this post however and delete your post so our thread doesn't get cluttered. KTHX. Peace, yo`.
Rei ☆
Labels: Incomplete, Original Characters, RP - Black/White
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